Education Officer: Literacy and Gaelic – 2 posts

Published 22/04/2024.  Last updated 30/09/2024

Oifigear Foghlaim: Litearrachd agus Gàidhlig – 2 phost (23 mìosan)

Tha Foghlam Alba a’ sireadh 2 x Oifigear Foghlaim: Litearrachd agus Gàidhlig airson fastadh gus taic a thoirt do gach taobh den churraicealam 3-18 na h-Alba. Bidh pàirt chudromach aig na tagraichean soirbheachail ann a bhith a’ toirt taic do phiseach agus leasachaidhean anns a’ churraicealam, le ionnsachadh agus measadh, is sinn a’ gluasad gu àm inntinneach de dh’ath-leasachadh foghlaim.

Is e Foghlam Alba buidheann leasachaidh nàiseanta na h-Alba airson foghlam. ’S e ar dleastanas a tha ann dearbhachd a thoirt seachad agus leasachadh a bhrosnachadh, bho na tràth-bhliadhnaichean gu ionnsachadh inbheach. Tha sinn dealasach a thaobh ar luachan de shàr-mhathas, cruthachalachd, fireantachd agus spèis a stèidheachadh anns gach rud a nì sinn.

Ceann-latha dùnaidh agus agallamhan

Is e Didòmhnaich 13 Dàmhair 2024 aig 11.59f an ceann-latha dùnaidh airson an dreuchd seo.

Thèid agallamhan a chumail tron t-Samhain 2024.

Education Officer: Literacy and Gaelic – 2 posts (23 months)

Education Scotland is seeking to recruit 2 x Education Officers: Literacy and Gaelic to support in all aspects of Scotland’s 3-18 curriculum. The successful candidates will play a pivotal role in supporting improvements and developments in curriculum, learning and assessment for their specialist area as we move into an exciting period of education reform.

Education Scotland is Scotland’s national improvement agency for education. Our role is to provide assurance and promote improvement, from the early years to adult learning. We are committed to embedding our values of excellence, creativity, integrity and respect in everything we do.

Closing date and interviews

The closing date for this role is Sunday 13 October 2024 at 11:59pm.

Interviews will be held over the course of November 2024

Start date - January 2025.

Application guidance

Please read the secondment application guidance for more information on applying for these roles.

Apply for this role

To apply for this role please complete the inward secondment application form and diversity monitoring form.

Please return the completed form to Education Scotland human resources by 13 October 2024.

Scotland is embarking on an exciting period of education reform prompted by the OECD Review of Curriculum for Excellence in 2021. In response to the OECD recommendations, the Scottish Government is now instigating a regular Curriculum for Excellence improvement cycle which will consider curricular areas in a planned and systematic way, including considerations around the relevance of curriculum content, role of knowledge, transitions between primary and secondary, and alignment between the broad general education and senior phase.

Work is now commencing on a curriculum improvement cycle for the literacy and Gàidhlig curriculum. The postholders will be key members of the team supporting the implementation of the four-stage cycle of improvement including:

  • Analysing evidence and research about how the curriculum is working and to develop the rationale and vision for the revised curriculum.
  • Engagement with stakeholders and partners to co-develop the revised curriculum.
  • Build capacity to support effective implementation and adoption of the revised curriculum through piloting, professional learning, sharing of best practice and monitoring the implementation.
  • Mobilising, monitoring, and evaluating the implementation to support work around a future cycle of improvement.

Curriculum improvement cycle

  • Work in close partnership with colleagues across Education Scotland to ensure a coherent and coordinated approach to curriculum improvement cycles.
  • Gathering and reviewing evidence, research, and feedback from stakeholders on the current Gàidhlig curriculum to identify what is working well and what needs to change.
  • Identifying and collating national and international research on effective curriculum-making for literacy and Gàidhlig including reviews of effective curricula from around the world.
  • Engaging with stakeholders to develop the rationale and vision for an exciting, world-leading, future-oriented literacy and Gàidhlig curriculum that will empower our children and young people to thrive and flourish and be a positive force for change in their communities, Scotland and the world.
  • Engage closely with teams and workstreams leading on core competencies and cross-cutting themes, around the Responsibilities of All.
  • Ensure that the curriculum improvement cycle is underpinned by an unwavering focus on equity and equality to ensure it is fully inclusive and is welcoming and attractive to all our children, irrespective of their background, protected characteristic, or level of deprivation.
  • Engage successfully with stakeholders to co-design, test and implement the revised curriculum to ensure it meets the needs and aspirations of learners now and in the future.
  • Support the sharing, learning, and adopting phase though piloting, development of professional learning programmes, development of support material and sharing of best practice.
  • Support planning for the mobilising, monitoring, and evaluation of the implementation phase to ensure the revised curriculum continues to be implemented, adopted, and fully mainstreamed.

Ongoing improvement support

  • As members of Education Scotland’s National Directorate, work closely with team colleagues, particularly in literacy and Gàidhlig and literacy and English, to ensure strong alignment of strategies and activities and to maximise collective impact.
  • Secure improvements in learning, teaching, and assessment, through bespoke support to schools, local authorities and nationally.
  • Support Education Scotland’s literacy and Gàidhlig networks by sharing practice, providing guidance and advice and through the provision of high-quality professional learning.

Secure continuous improvement, personally and within Education Scotland

  • Maintain a comprehensive knowledge and high-level awareness of current issues in education to support future strategic developments.
  • Record engagement and professional learning activities to ensure effective reporting at a regional, organisational, and national level.
  • Undertake effective evaluation of professional learning and other relevant programmes to measure impact and ensure continuous improvement.
  • The post holders will be expected to undertake other tasks consistent with the post that may be required by the organisation.

Qualifications, skills and experience

 The post-holder should be educated to degree level and have fluency in Gaelic.

Essential Criteria

  • Detailed knowledge of the literacy and Gàidhlig curriculum within the context of Curriculum for Excellence and strong leadership in delivering outcomes for children and young people in Gaelic Medium Education.
  • Ability to form positive relationships and lead successful engagements with stakeholders and partner organisations.
  • Experience of gathering and analysing research, feedback, and evidence to develop clear recommendations, outcomes, and impact
  • Proven track record in leading improvement and managing change at a strategic level.


Competencies include:

  • People management
  • Leading others
  • Communications and engagement
  • Analysis and use of evidence

You will stay on your current salary while on secondment.

Education Officer: Literacy and Gaelic – 2 posts

Published 22/04/2024.  Last updated 30/09/2024

Oifigear Foghlaim: Litearrachd agus Gàidhlig – 2 phost (23 mìosan)

Tha Foghlam Alba a’ sireadh 2 x Oifigear Foghlaim: Litearrachd agus Gàidhlig airson fastadh gus taic a thoirt do gach taobh den churraicealam 3-18 na h-Alba. Bidh pàirt chudromach aig na tagraichean soirbheachail ann a bhith a’ toirt taic do phiseach agus leasachaidhean anns a’ churraicealam, le ionnsachadh agus measadh, is sinn a’ gluasad gu àm inntinneach de dh’ath-leasachadh foghlaim.

Is e Foghlam Alba buidheann leasachaidh nàiseanta na h-Alba airson foghlam. ’S e ar dleastanas a tha ann dearbhachd a thoirt seachad agus leasachadh a bhrosnachadh, bho na tràth-bhliadhnaichean gu ionnsachadh inbheach. Tha sinn dealasach a thaobh ar luachan de shàr-mhathas, cruthachalachd, fireantachd agus spèis a stèidheachadh anns gach rud a nì sinn.

Ceann-latha dùnaidh agus agallamhan

Is e Didòmhnaich 13 Dàmhair 2024 aig 11.59f an ceann-latha dùnaidh airson an dreuchd seo.

Thèid agallamhan a chumail tron t-Samhain 2024.

Education Officer: Literacy and Gaelic – 2 posts (23 months)

Education Scotland is seeking to recruit 2 x Education Officers: Literacy and Gaelic to support in all aspects of Scotland’s 3-18 curriculum. The successful candidates will play a pivotal role in supporting improvements and developments in curriculum, learning and assessment for their specialist area as we move into an exciting period of education reform.

Education Scotland is Scotland’s national improvement agency for education. Our role is to provide assurance and promote improvement, from the early years to adult learning. We are committed to embedding our values of excellence, creativity, integrity and respect in everything we do.

Closing date and interviews

The closing date for this role is Sunday 13 October 2024 at 11:59pm.

Interviews will be held over the course of November 2024

Start date - January 2025.

Application guidance

Please read the secondment application guidance for more information on applying for these roles.

Apply for this role

To apply for this role please complete the inward secondment application form and diversity monitoring form.

Please return the completed form to Education Scotland human resources by 13 October 2024.

Scotland is embarking on an exciting period of education reform prompted by the OECD Review of Curriculum for Excellence in 2021. In response to the OECD recommendations, the Scottish Government is now instigating a regular Curriculum for Excellence improvement cycle which will consider curricular areas in a planned and systematic way, including considerations around the relevance of curriculum content, role of knowledge, transitions between primary and secondary, and alignment between the broad general education and senior phase.

Work is now commencing on a curriculum improvement cycle for the literacy and Gàidhlig curriculum. The postholders will be key members of the team supporting the implementation of the four-stage cycle of improvement including:

  • Analysing evidence and research about how the curriculum is working and to develop the rationale and vision for the revised curriculum.
  • Engagement with stakeholders and partners to co-develop the revised curriculum.
  • Build capacity to support effective implementation and adoption of the revised curriculum through piloting, professional learning, sharing of best practice and monitoring the implementation.
  • Mobilising, monitoring, and evaluating the implementation to support work around a future cycle of improvement.

Curriculum improvement cycle

  • Work in close partnership with colleagues across Education Scotland to ensure a coherent and coordinated approach to curriculum improvement cycles.
  • Gathering and reviewing evidence, research, and feedback from stakeholders on the current Gàidhlig curriculum to identify what is working well and what needs to change.
  • Identifying and collating national and international research on effective curriculum-making for literacy and Gàidhlig including reviews of effective curricula from around the world.
  • Engaging with stakeholders to develop the rationale and vision for an exciting, world-leading, future-oriented literacy and Gàidhlig curriculum that will empower our children and young people to thrive and flourish and be a positive force for change in their communities, Scotland and the world.
  • Engage closely with teams and workstreams leading on core competencies and cross-cutting themes, around the Responsibilities of All.
  • Ensure that the curriculum improvement cycle is underpinned by an unwavering focus on equity and equality to ensure it is fully inclusive and is welcoming and attractive to all our children, irrespective of their background, protected characteristic, or level of deprivation.
  • Engage successfully with stakeholders to co-design, test and implement the revised curriculum to ensure it meets the needs and aspirations of learners now and in the future.
  • Support the sharing, learning, and adopting phase though piloting, development of professional learning programmes, development of support material and sharing of best practice.
  • Support planning for the mobilising, monitoring, and evaluation of the implementation phase to ensure the revised curriculum continues to be implemented, adopted, and fully mainstreamed.

Ongoing improvement support

  • As members of Education Scotland’s National Directorate, work closely with team colleagues, particularly in literacy and Gàidhlig and literacy and English, to ensure strong alignment of strategies and activities and to maximise collective impact.
  • Secure improvements in learning, teaching, and assessment, through bespoke support to schools, local authorities and nationally.
  • Support Education Scotland’s literacy and Gàidhlig networks by sharing practice, providing guidance and advice and through the provision of high-quality professional learning.

Secure continuous improvement, personally and within Education Scotland

  • Maintain a comprehensive knowledge and high-level awareness of current issues in education to support future strategic developments.
  • Record engagement and professional learning activities to ensure effective reporting at a regional, organisational, and national level.
  • Undertake effective evaluation of professional learning and other relevant programmes to measure impact and ensure continuous improvement.
  • The post holders will be expected to undertake other tasks consistent with the post that may be required by the organisation.

Qualifications, skills and experience

 The post-holder should be educated to degree level and have fluency in Gaelic.

Essential Criteria

  • Detailed knowledge of the literacy and Gàidhlig curriculum within the context of Curriculum for Excellence and strong leadership in delivering outcomes for children and young people in Gaelic Medium Education.
  • Ability to form positive relationships and lead successful engagements with stakeholders and partner organisations.
  • Experience of gathering and analysing research, feedback, and evidence to develop clear recommendations, outcomes, and impact
  • Proven track record in leading improvement and managing change at a strategic level.


Competencies include:

  • People management
  • Leading others
  • Communications and engagement
  • Analysis and use of evidence

You will stay on your current salary while on secondment.