Equalities policy guide (draft): Pinewood case study
Promoting equality is fundamental to the vision and ethos in Pinewood school. In Pinewood we focus on the well-being and progress of every child and we are committed to ensuring all members of our community are of equal worth.
Together with the WLC Promoting Positive Relationships policy, The Equality Act (2010) and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child provide us with a framework to support our commitment to valuing diversity, promoting equality and tackling discrimination.
Our approach to equality in Pinewood is based around our school values:
All learners are of equal value – there is no discrimination based on disabilities, ethnicity, culture, economic background, national origin or status, gender identity, religious/non-religious affiliation or sexual orientation.
We work hard to ensure that all pupils are able to fully access our curriculum in order to be happy and thrive
We recognise, respect and celebrate differences and understand that diversity is a strength for supporting our pupils.
Whole school ethos of respect has as collective impact on our pupils.
We acknowledge and challenge all the potential barriers for our young people and strive to remove them to ensure that all learners have the same opportunities and can develop skills for life, learning and work. We have the highest expectations of all of our children. We expect that pupils can make good progress and reach their full potential