Political Literacy
Political literacy enables children and young people to critically examine sources to inform their views and express them confidently.
Practical support and resources
There are many different sources of materials and CLPL available.
You Decide - This resource supports teachers and professionals working with young people to develop understanding, skills and participation with the term political literacy.
Scottish Youth Parliament - The Scottish Youth Parliament is a politically-independent organisation that aims to represent the young people of Scotland.
Young Scot - Young Scot is the national youth information and citizenship charity.
Scottish Parliament - Information about the parliament and its ministers.
Model United Nations - United Nations House Scotland (UNHS) is a civil society organisation committed to strengthening the implementation of the UN goals and values at grassroots levels.
English Speaking Union - A unique educational charity and membership organisation dedicated to helping people realise their potential through giving them the skills and confidence in communication to articulate their ideas and share them with others.
UK Parliament - Website of the UK parliament.
Oxfam - Learning and activity resources to bring issues that Oxfam work on to life.
Ideas Forum - Global Citzenship - Information on Global Citizenship and how it can be used in education.
Red Cross - Explore free teaching resources from Red Cross to help enrich curriculum subjects and connect human crisis with human kindness.
Tearfund - Tearfund is a Christian charity with a variety of teaching resources.
UNHCR - Information on UNHCR and it's outreach work.
Social Studies Skills Progression Framework - The social studies curriculum area is very broad, and often content is not repeated across the BGE. This framework will assist practitioners to determine progress in social studies in any area of content using skills progression.
Great Scots - Jane Haining has been added to the Great Scots page and her story may helpful when teaching about WW2 and the holocaust.
Teaching four and six figure grid references helps practitioners with teaching four and six figure grid references.
This CfE briefing (PDF) on political literacy and features of effective learning and teaching in political literacy.