Contact us

Our staff are based throughout Scotland with offices in Aberdeen, Dundee, Glasgow and Livingston. Get in touch if you have a general or media enquiry, or if you want to make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request.

We always welcome communication from the public in Gaelic. Bidh sinn daonnan a' cur fàilte air conaltradh bhon phoball sa Ghàidhlig.

General enquiries

To make a general enquiry or contact a team within Education Scotland:

Education Scotland does not investigate complaints or concerns about schools or teachers.

To raise a complaint about Education Scotland, please read our complaints guide and email our complaints mailbox. You can also contact the general enquiries team who will pass details of your complaint to our correspondence team.

Or write to us at the following address:

Official Correspondence Team
Education Scotland
Denholm House
Almondvale Business Park
Almondvale Way
EH54 6GA

Education Scotland places a high value on quality media coverage. As a national body supporting quality and improvement in Scottish education, we welcome enquiries from journalists.

Please contact media enquiries by:

Please note, Education Scotland does not hold individuals school/local authority records – these requests should be directed to the school/local authority.

Please send your request for information to our FOI team at the address below or via email,

All information released by Education Scotland in response to FOI requests is published on the Scottish Government website. The Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner provides advice on making FOI requests.

Please note, Education Scotland does not hold individuals school/local authority records. These requests should be directed to the school/local authority.

Please send your request for information to

Education Scotland does not investigate complaints against teachers or schools.

In the first instance, you should contact the school and local authority with your concerns so that they are fully aware of the information.

The local authority’s education department has responsibility for ensuring that any concerns about schools in its area are dealt with appropriately.

You can find contact information for Scotland's 32 local authorities on the COSLA website.

If you are not satisfied with the responses from the local authority and you feel your concerns have not been addressed to your satisfaction, you have the right to contact the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO), who handle complaints about public services in Scotland.

The SPSO will consider complaints which have been through the formal complaints procedure of your local authority.

Contact details for the SPSO are:

If you have a concern about the safety or wellbeing of a child, please contact police or social work. They will be best placed to investigate the concern.

If a safeguarding concern is reported to us, we will pass on that concern to the relevant local authority or independent school. We will ask them to confirm that relevant staff are aware of the concern. Education Scotland does not investigate concerns. We do maintain a confidential record of all concerns received.

Our Corporate Parent policy and Safeguarding policy can provide more information.