Learning for Sustainability in Scotland

Learning for Sustainability (LfS) is about exploring local and global issues. It’s about children, young people and communities taking action for a better future.
LfS connects people and the planet. It brings together sustainable development, outdoor learning and global citizenship. This provides relevant and inspiring contexts for learning across the curriculum.
Join us in exploring and celebrating the work of learners from across Scotland. Find things to inspire you and others, as we work together to improve our world now and in the future.

Target 2030
The Scottish Government published an LfS action plan in June 2023. This describes Scotland’s ambition that every 3-to-18 learning setting be sustainable by 2030. Scotland’s LfS action planChildren's Parliament
Scottish Government asked the Children’s Parliament to investigate LfS. The children have published nine calls to action. These are reflected in the LfS action plan. Children' s Parliament Investigates: Learning for SustainabilityInspiring LfS stories from across Scotland
Learning for Sustainability education
Stories and resources to support LfS in your setting
Learning for Sustainability in practice
Inspirational stories from across Scotland to support learning for sustainability.
Learning for Sustainability advice and guidance
Learning for Sustainability advice and guidance offers practical hints and tips to take forward LfS.
Learning for sustainability professional learning
Professional learning opportunities and resources to support Learning for Sustainability (LfS) education.
Standards for supporting LfS
Social justice
Learning for sustainability (gtcs.org.uk)
1. Embracing global educational and social values of sustainability, equality, equity, and justice and recognising children’s rights.
1.2. In Scotland, Learning for Sustainability is an entitlement for learners. As such, all teachers demonstrate in their practice the professional values, skills, actions, knowledge and understanding that are compatible with a sustainable and equitable world. This is part of an effective whole-school and community commitment.
Competent Practitioner Framework
The competent practitioner framework (2022) competencies are:
a. Know and understand the community in which we work.
c. Provide learning and development opportunities in a range of contexts.
2. Ethics: social context
3. Values: empowerment and working collaboratively
Standards for childhood practice (revised)
The SSSC codes of practice benchmark 1:
Managers and lead practitioners value and demonstrate a commitment to inclusion, diversity, social justice, anti-discrimination and protecting and caring for children and young people.