Additional support
There are many reasons why children and young people may need support to help them learn. Find out more about specific support needs, what you can do to support your child, and where you can get further information.

Supporting children with additional support needs
Find advice on how to support children with ASN at this time.
What are additional support needs?
All children and young people need support to help them learn. Through good quality learning and teaching, staff in early learning and child care settings and schools are able to meet a diverse range of needs without additional support.
Identifying needs and getting support
What to do if you think your child may have additional support needs and how to resolve any concerns about the way your child is being supported.
Specific support needs
Find definitions of specific support needs, what you can do to help your child and where you can get further information.
How schools plan support
Find out how schools and early learning and childcare settings plan to meet your child's learning and support needs at different stages.
The Additional Support for Learning Act
The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004: created the term 'additional support needs'; places duties on local authorities to meet the needs of pupils for whom they are responsible; and gives parents a number of rights.