National approach to professional learning
Scotland has a national model of professional learning co-created with teachers, practitioners, universities, professional associations and local authorities. It identifies features of impactful professional learning and the importance of linking to the relevant professional standards.
Education Scotland endorses professional learning programmes that can demonstrate how they are informed by this model.
Educator’s professional learning should be informed by their experience, voice and needs. In turn, the professional learning of the educator should impact positively upon the experiences of children, young people and adult learners.
Our open access learning pages on coaching in education and enquiry in education support this vision of educators as lifelong learners within a thriving Scottish professional learning community.
The national model of professional learning
Professional learning must focus on the education professional as a learner and how this is related to and impacts upon the learning of children, young people and adult learners.
Apply for Education Scotland endorsement
Find out more about Education Scotland’s endorsement of professional learning programmes.
Masters learning
Masters learning is an online resource which has been created to provide information around the different aspects of undertaking a Masters-level programme.