Learning at home
A positive home learning environment makes a big difference to children's learning. Here you'll find guidance for parents and families to support learning at home in a number of areas including literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing. There's also information about learning through play and supporting study for exams and assessments.

Gaelic Medium Education: Activities to support fluency development
GME activities to help young people develop their fluency in Gaelic.
Supporting literacy at home
These resources provide fun ideas to encourage good literacy skills for different ages and stages.
Blended learning
Blended learning is an approach which includes learning in school and at home but it extends beyond online learning.
Supporting language learning at home
Advice and resources in supporting language learning at home.
Supporting children with additional support needs
Find advice on how to support children with ASN at this time.
Supporting gender balance and equality
Ensuring all children have the same opportunities to develop skills and confidence regardless of gender.
Schemas: learning through play
This presentation about schematic play explores how schemas can play an important role in your child’s development.
Home learning environment
A positive home learning environment makes a big difference to children's learning.
Supporting health and wellbeing
Examples of activities which can support your child's learning about health and wellbeing.
Supporting numeracy at home
There are many ways that you can build learning activities into everyday routines to support your child’s numeracy skills.
Supporting religious and moral education
Simple ideas to help children: understand more about their own and others’ beliefs, values, practices and traditions; and reflect on and act upon their own developing beliefs and values.
Supporting science, technologies, engineering and mathematics (STEM) at home
This page provide ideas for supporting your child in different areas of STEM (science, technologies, engineering and maths).
Parents who do not live together
These guides provide information to support non-resident parents and help them stay involved with their children’s learning.
Gaelic Medium Education: Support your child’s learning – simple tips in Gaelic and English
The following documents offer simple tips to help you support your child's learning at home across the whole curriculum.
Supporting study
It is important that young people are supported at home and school to prepare them well for Unit Assessments, prelim exams and other internal assessments as well as external exams.
Learning through play
Play is important for the early stages of brain development and playing with your child can help build relationships for later life. But no matter what age we are, play helps to develop important skills for learning, life and work.