Bowhouse Primary School
Contact details
Tinto Drive
01324 508710
School Information
Inspection reports
Bowhouse Primary School and Nursery Class inspection report, Falkirk Council 14/02/2023
14 February 2023Bowhouse Primary School Nursery Class summarised inspection findings, Falkirk Council 14/02/2023
14 February 2023Bowhouse Primary School summarised inspection findings, Falkirk Council 14/02/2023
14 February 2023Bowhouse Primary School and Nursery Class additional inspection evidence, Falkirk Council 14/02/2023
14 February 2023Additional Inspection Evidence
We will share results to evidence questionnaires where possible. Individual responses to evidence surveys may be withheld. If fewer than ten people respond, we are unable to share responses. We may publish an overview of results subject to statistical disclosure controls. This is to protect the confidentiality and anonymity of those who respond.
School Information Dashboards
Information gathered from schools can help to raise attainment and support school improvement. The Scottish Government has brought this information together in a school information dashboard.