Health and wellbeing video resource – Self-reporting on progress

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourceLearning resources schoolHealth and Wellbeing (HWB)

Explore this resource

How to use this learning and assessment resource to improve practice

This resource can be used by practitioners to reflect on how they use dialogue to support learning and progression in health and wellbeing responsibility of all.

Practitioners can use it to reflect on their own context and to help incorporate dialogue into their own establishment. Reflective questions to consider include:

  • In what ways do you protect time for professional dialogue/moderation to take place both formally and informally?
  • Who might be involved in this professional dialogue?
  • In what ways will you record that professional dialogue/moderation has taken place?
  • What would determine the focus of professional dialogue?
  • In what ways could you support the young person to identify their next steps in their learning?
  • In what ways could you support them to make progress?


PDF file: Video transcript (37 KB)

Health and wellbeing video resource – Self-reporting on progress

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourceLearning resources schoolHealth and Wellbeing (HWB)

Explore this resource

How to use this learning and assessment resource to improve practice

This resource can be used by practitioners to reflect on how they use dialogue to support learning and progression in health and wellbeing responsibility of all.

Practitioners can use it to reflect on their own context and to help incorporate dialogue into their own establishment. Reflective questions to consider include:

  • In what ways do you protect time for professional dialogue/moderation to take place both formally and informally?
  • Who might be involved in this professional dialogue?
  • In what ways will you record that professional dialogue/moderation has taken place?
  • What would determine the focus of professional dialogue?
  • In what ways could you support the young person to identify their next steps in their learning?
  • In what ways could you support them to make progress?


PDF file: Video transcript (37 KB)