From Places to Pedagogy - Robert Gordon’s College innovative and dynamic learning environments

Published 15/02/2018.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourcePractice exemplars schoolSciences schoolTechnologies groupsPrimary groupsSecondary categorySTEM

This resource shares the rationale and philosophy underpinning the creation of dynamic learning spaces for children and young people at Robert Gordon's College in Aberdeen City. It focuses, in particular, on current thinking for effective environments for primary age children and STEM. It can be used to stimulate professional dialogue for practitioners reviewing their own learning environments.

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What was done?

Two major redevelopments of the Science and Technology Centre and the Primary School learning environments were undertaken. The priority focused on supporting the philosophies of purposeful learning. Extensive consultation with classroom teachers and research on effective learning environments informed changes. Both developments involved seeking out best practice in developing effective pedagogy through good design.


The opportunity to further stimulate highly effective teaching and learning through developing creative and attractive learning environments was central. We also aimed to enable a common set of classroom environments that all staff could teach in effectively, even when working outside of their own room.

What was the impact?

Pupils engage readily with the learning environments. Not only has classroom motivation increased, but so have the number of creative ways in which work has been produced by the pupils.


PowerPoint presentation: From Places to Pedagogy​ (476 KB)

From Places to Pedagogy - Robert Gordon’s College innovative and dynamic learning environments

Published 15/02/2018.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourcePractice exemplars schoolSciences schoolTechnologies groupsPrimary groupsSecondary categorySTEM

This resource shares the rationale and philosophy underpinning the creation of dynamic learning spaces for children and young people at Robert Gordon's College in Aberdeen City. It focuses, in particular, on current thinking for effective environments for primary age children and STEM. It can be used to stimulate professional dialogue for practitioners reviewing their own learning environments.

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What was done?

Two major redevelopments of the Science and Technology Centre and the Primary School learning environments were undertaken. The priority focused on supporting the philosophies of purposeful learning. Extensive consultation with classroom teachers and research on effective learning environments informed changes. Both developments involved seeking out best practice in developing effective pedagogy through good design.


The opportunity to further stimulate highly effective teaching and learning through developing creative and attractive learning environments was central. We also aimed to enable a common set of classroom environments that all staff could teach in effectively, even when working outside of their own room.

What was the impact?

Pupils engage readily with the learning environments. Not only has classroom motivation increased, but so have the number of creative ways in which work has been produced by the pupils.


PowerPoint presentation: From Places to Pedagogy​ (476 KB)