Embedding health and wellbeing across a learning community
A series of short videos show how a number of establishments have developed approaches to health and wellbeing in their learning communities. Information relating to aims, planning, staff and community involvement are included.
The clips exemplify the impact these approaches have had on learners and the learning community. The establishments included have been chosen to represent a range of sizes, setting and needs. It is hoped that the information, including Scottish Index of Multiple of Deprivation (SIMD) data, and video clips will allow practitioners, staff groups and learning communities to consider how they might take approaches to health and wellbeing forward.
How to use this exemplar
This resource could be used to stimulate professional dialogue around health and wellbeing from 3-18. Watch the video and consider, individually or as a team, the following improvement questions:
- In what ways as a learning community do you establish what is working well in all aspects of health and wellbeing and which are the areas for development?
- In what ways do you seek the opinions of all stakeholders on what health and wellbeing means to their learning community?
- What systems are in place to monitor and track progress in health and wellbeing across your establishment?
- In what ways does your approach to health and wellbeing offer leadership opportunities to all within your establishment?
Explore the exemplar
What was done?
These films highlight a range of approaches which have been used in different settings to embed health and wellbeing across differing establishments and sectors.
Each establishment had their own reason for initiating change and a new approach towards health and wellbeing. They illustrate the vital role health and wellbeing plays in supporting learners across the four contexts of learning.
What was the impact?
Examples of impact include:
- The school reports that learners are more confident and have an improved understanding of health and wellbeing as a result.
- The process of being involved in creating the values and creating pride in their school has developed their confidence.
- Pupils are far more able to deal with any problems that come their way.
- Pupils have left school with a feeling that they've grown, but they've also given something back to the school. They acknowledge their contribution to the school and the legacy for the youngsters who come after them.
- There is a higher attendance at school on days when these activities are to the forefront.
Word file: Video transcript - Craigholme School
Word file: Video transcript - Eastbank Primary School
Word file: Video transcript - Yoker Primary School