Family Learning Framework

Published 28/11/2017.  Last updated 03/12/2024
sourcePractice exemplars categoryParents and families

Developing the Family Learning Framework (PDF)  is a commitment in the 2017 National Improvement Framework and Improvement Plan.

What was done

A survey was carried out to review current practice within the four areas of programme delivery, evaluation, research and workforce development. This data was analysed and has helped to shape the framework. Education Scotland engaged with practitioners across all sectors to support the development of the completed framework for family learning.

How to use this exemplar to improve practice

The framework focuses on four areas of programme delivery, workforce development, evaluation and research. Practitioners should engage with the relevant area of the framework to improve their practice in relation to family learning. The Framework was first published in April 2020.

Family Learning Framework

Published 28/11/2017.  Last updated 03/12/2024
sourcePractice exemplars categoryParents and families

Developing the Family Learning Framework (PDF)  is a commitment in the 2017 National Improvement Framework and Improvement Plan.

What was done

A survey was carried out to review current practice within the four areas of programme delivery, evaluation, research and workforce development. This data was analysed and has helped to shape the framework. Education Scotland engaged with practitioners across all sectors to support the development of the completed framework for family learning.

How to use this exemplar to improve practice

The framework focuses on four areas of programme delivery, workforce development, evaluation and research. Practitioners should engage with the relevant area of the framework to improve their practice in relation to family learning. The Framework was first published in April 2020.