Using quality assurance to improve learning and teaching in Kirkliston Primary School, Edinburgh

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourcePractice exemplars categoryScottish Attainment Challenge

How to use this exemplar to improve practice

Consider this Kirkliston overview in relation to practice in your own context and use it to support professional dialogue.

Improvement questions

  • To what extent do you have a continuous, shared focus on improving the quality of learning and teaching across the school?
  • To what extent do we measure the impact of our learning and teaching on all children, including those living in poverty?


PDF file: Kirkliston Primary School quality assurance overview

Explore this exemplar

What was done?

Kirkliston Primary School in Edinburgh sets out a clear quality assurance overview. This includes key activities to be carried out, when they happen, who will be involved. There is a clear, shared responsibility to improve the quality of learning and teaching. The overview includes the whole school community.

The outcome of this activity is explicitly stated as being ‘Improved learning and teaching throughout the school and nursery’, giving a clear focus on impact.


This activity was undertaken to ensure high quality learning and teaching is a key focus for everyone across the year.

What was the impact?

Impact can be seen in the following ways:

  • Focus on attainment and progress in learning
  • Inclusion of a wide range of data and evidence to support judgements about impact

Using quality assurance to improve learning and teaching in Kirkliston Primary School, Edinburgh

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 11/04/2023
sourcePractice exemplars categoryScottish Attainment Challenge

How to use this exemplar to improve practice

Consider this Kirkliston overview in relation to practice in your own context and use it to support professional dialogue.

Improvement questions

  • To what extent do you have a continuous, shared focus on improving the quality of learning and teaching across the school?
  • To what extent do we measure the impact of our learning and teaching on all children, including those living in poverty?


PDF file: Kirkliston Primary School quality assurance overview

Explore this exemplar

What was done?

Kirkliston Primary School in Edinburgh sets out a clear quality assurance overview. This includes key activities to be carried out, when they happen, who will be involved. There is a clear, shared responsibility to improve the quality of learning and teaching. The overview includes the whole school community.

The outcome of this activity is explicitly stated as being ‘Improved learning and teaching throughout the school and nursery’, giving a clear focus on impact.


This activity was undertaken to ensure high quality learning and teaching is a key focus for everyone across the year.

What was the impact?

Impact can be seen in the following ways:

  • Focus on attainment and progress in learning
  • Inclusion of a wide range of data and evidence to support judgements about impact