Work Placement Toolkit: West Lothian Council

Published 05/02/2018.  Last updated 10/12/2024
sourcePractice exemplars

This resource outlines the context of work inspiration activity in West Lothian's secondary schools and illustrates the progress that our schools have made in order to meet the recommendations for Developing the Young Workforce, the Work Placements Standard, the Career Education Standard (3-18) and Guidance for school and employer partnerships. It also provides exemplification to support further implementation of work-based learning opportunities across secondary schools.

How to use this resource

This resource has been developed to contribute to the professional learning of practitioners. Engaging with this resource and completing the Benchmarking activities will provide an opportunity for staff to reflect upon existing work-based learning practice in their school and inspiring them to develop new practice in career education.

Reflective questions

  • How effectively do you plan for career education opportunities and progression pathways for learners in your school?
  • In what ways do you ensure that you meet the needs of all learners in order to develop skills for learning life and work?
  • In what ways does the curriculum provision and timetabling in your establishment incorporate career education for all learners?
  • To what extent are partners involved in delivering meaningful, work related experiences for learners; the delivery of skills and qualifications and highlighting prospective career opportunities?
  • How do your plans address equality issues and help close the attainment gap?


West Lothian Work Placement Toolkit (PDF 4.5 MB)

Work Placement Toolkit: West Lothian Council

Published 05/02/2018.  Last updated 10/12/2024
sourcePractice exemplars

This resource outlines the context of work inspiration activity in West Lothian's secondary schools and illustrates the progress that our schools have made in order to meet the recommendations for Developing the Young Workforce, the Work Placements Standard, the Career Education Standard (3-18) and Guidance for school and employer partnerships. It also provides exemplification to support further implementation of work-based learning opportunities across secondary schools.

How to use this resource

This resource has been developed to contribute to the professional learning of practitioners. Engaging with this resource and completing the Benchmarking activities will provide an opportunity for staff to reflect upon existing work-based learning practice in their school and inspiring them to develop new practice in career education.

Reflective questions

  • How effectively do you plan for career education opportunities and progression pathways for learners in your school?
  • In what ways do you ensure that you meet the needs of all learners in order to develop skills for learning life and work?
  • In what ways does the curriculum provision and timetabling in your establishment incorporate career education for all learners?
  • To what extent are partners involved in delivering meaningful, work related experiences for learners; the delivery of skills and qualifications and highlighting prospective career opportunities?
  • How do your plans address equality issues and help close the attainment gap?


West Lothian Work Placement Toolkit (PDF 4.5 MB)