Inspection and review
Education Scotland supports the system to gather, analyse, evaluate and share an agreed set of data, including independent external evaluation.
Our scrutiny programme reaches all sectors from early learning and childcare to adult learning and allows us to gather evidence of what is working well in our education system, areas which are showing improvement, and areas where further development is needed.

Promoting improvement through sharing highly effective practice
Find a range of highly effective practice identified during inspection and review activities.
HM Chief Inspector reports and guidance
Find a range of information and key messages based on evidence gathered by HM Inspectors of Education.
Find an inspection report
Search our Scottish Schools directory to find inspection reports, school level data and more.
What we do and how we do it
Inspection and review supports improvement and provides assurance on quality and improvement in Scottish education.
Inspection frameworks
We use a set of standards to evaluate and report on quality and improvement in Scottish education. These are set out in a series of quality frameworks.
Our engagement work
As part of the review the inspectorate has committed to focusing on stakeholder engagement and providing opportunities for the public to give feedback.