School and ELC

Arrangements for inspecting independent special schools and grant-aided schools

Health and Nutrition Inspections

Find out about the inspection of health and nutrition in Education Scotland's school inspection programme.

Inspection of progress in improving learning, raising attainment and closing the poverty-related gap

Information about the arrangements for inspecting local authority progress in improving learning, raising attainment and closing the poverty-related gap.

Early learning and childcare inspections

Education Scotland aims to promote improvement in early learning and childcare settings and successful innovation that enhances childrens' experiences.

Primary school inspections

Our inspectors focus on the quality of children's learning and achievement. We have a particular interest in how the school is developing children's skills and understanding in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing.

Secondary school inspections

Our inspectors focus on the quality of children's learning and achievement, with a particular interest in how the school is developing children's skills and understanding in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing.

Approaches to inspection from August 2016

Information on the full inspection model being introduced from August 2016.

All-through school inspections

Information about all-through school inspections

Arrangements for inspecting Gaelic Education

Inspections focus on the quality of children's and young people’s learning and achievement through the medium of Gaelic.

Arrangements for inspecting special schools

Information on arrangements for inspecting special schools.

Residential special school inspections

Information on the inspection of residential special schools.

Independent school inspections

Information about the inspection of independent schools.