National thematic inspections

National thematic inspections investigate specific topics through inspection. We gather evidence and then report the findings of our inspection. This helps national and local government to make decisions and develop policies.

Meeting the support needs of learners in Scotland’s colleges

A thematic report from His Majesty’s Inspectors of Education.

Luachadh air ionnsachadh agus leasachadh coimhearsnachd ann an Alba

Gaelic version of November 2024 report from His Majesty’s Inspectors of Education considering the community learning and development (CLD) provision in Scotland.

Evaluation of community learning and development in Scotland

November 2024 report from His Majesty’s Inspectors of Education considering the community learning and development (CLD) provision in Scotland.

Improving outcomes for learners in the Glasgow College Region

HM Inspectors, associate assessors and student team members explore aspects of equity, attainment, and achievement for learners across the Glasgow College Region

Enhancing the quality of mathematics education in Scotland

A national thematic report from His Majesty’s Inspectors of Education

A’ neartachadh càileachd foghlam matamataig ann an Alba

Aithisg chuspaireil nàiseanta bho Luchd-sgrùdaidh an Rìgh airson Foghlam

Local authority approaches to school improvement

Information about the national thematic inspection on local authority approaches to school improvement.

Evaluation of curriculum design in Scotland

A thematic report from His Majesty’s Inspectors of Education.

Responsive, supportive and resilient communities September 2022

HM Inspectors of Education have published a new report highlighting features of effective community development practice in response to COVID-19.

National Review: Approaches to recording and monitoring incidents of bullying in schools

This report examines how schools are recording, monitoring and responding to incidents of bullying.

Thematic reports up to and including June 2019

​Thematic review is an approach to inspection which involves a cross-sectoral team of inspectors.

Health and wellbeing: a thematic review

Scotland's HM Inspectors of Education have published a new report examining a range of approaches taken to support health and wellbeing in establishments nominated by local authorities.