Enhancing the quality of mathematics education in Scotland: Methodology
HMIE visited 52 settings and schools in the ELC, primary, secondary and special sectors during academic year 2023/24. The settings and schools were selected by HMIE to represent different contexts and demographics, including those that deliver numeracy and mathematics through Gaelic Medium Education. A list of the settings and schools visited can be found in Appendix 1. In addition to the 52 visits, this report draws on broader inspection evidence from the same period.
Mathematics is one of eight curricular areas in Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) and covers both experiences and outcomes in numeracy and mathematics. The focus of the inspection visits was to evaluate the quality of learning and teaching across both numeracy and mathematics in this curricular area.
Before the inspection visits, we asked headteachers of schools and heads of ELC settings to undertake self-evaluation of their current approaches to learning and teaching in mathematics. This included what strengths and challenges they are experiencing. HMIE used this information as the starting point for their discussions during the visit.
During the inspection visits, HMIE spoke with children and young people, teachers and practitioners. They observed learning experiences, reviewed documentation and discussed approaches to learning and teaching in mathematics. They shared verbal feedback with relevant staff at the end of each visit.