Evaluation of community learning and development in Scotland: Appendix 1 - national guidance

Community learning and development (CLD) work in Scotland is guided by the Strategic Guidance for Community Planning partnerships (2012). This guidance sets out the outcomes for CLD as being:

  • improved life chances for people of all ages, through learning, personal development and active citizenship
  • stronger, more resilient, supportive, influential and inclusive communities

There are statutory duties on local authorities in regard to CLD the Requirements for Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013. This legislation sets out that all education authorities in Scotland have a statutory duty to secure CLD provision with young people, adult learners and community groups/organisations in their area. The legislation has a requirement for all education authorities to publish a 3-year plan for CLD no later than 1 September 2015; and each third year after the date of publication of the previous plan. The most recent plans were due in September 2024.

“These plans must specify:

  1. how the education authority will coordinate its provision of CLD with other persons that provide CLD within the area of the education authority
  2. what action the education authority will take to provide CLD over the period of the plan
  3. what action other persons intend to take to provide CLD within the area of the education authority over the period of the plan
  4. any needs for CLD that will not be met within the period of the plan

"An education authority is required to initiate and having done so, to maintain and facilitate a process by which CLD secured within the area of the education authority is secured in a way that:

  1. identifies target individuals and groups
  2. has regard to the needs of those target individuals and groups for that CLD
  3. assesses the degree to which those needs are already being met
  4. identifies barriers to the adequate and efficient provision of that CLD”

All children and young people are supported by Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence (CfE), which places learners at the heart of education. CLD staff and volunteers contribute to the delivery of this curriculum.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) (Scotland) Act 2024 was enacted on 16 July 2024. The Act will ensure that children’s rights are respected and protected in Scotland. All public bodies and organisations that provide services on behalf of a public body must comply with the legislation. This includes CLD services.

Within Scotland, there is a commitment to supporting communities to do things for themselves, and to make their voices heard in the planning and delivery of services. The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015  provided new rights to community bodies and new duties to public sector authorities. CLD staff and volunteers can provide a vital role in enabling communities to participate as partners. This includes following the best practice for public bodies to engage with communities via the National Standards for Community Engagement.

In July 2024, the Scottish Government published the report from the independent review of CLD, Learning for all, for life.

The Scottish Government’s Programme for Government 2024-25: Serving Scotland sets out the government’s priorities and intentions for the next 4 years. Local authority CLD services and their partners are well placed to contribute to the four priorities. These are:

  • eradicating child poverty
  • growing the economy
  • tackling the climate emergency
  • improving public services