Evaluation of community learning and development in Scotland: Appendix 3 - highly effective practice

There were 31 case study examples of highly effective practice. These were identified across 22 local authorities. A few local authorities had more than one example. A summary of the emerging themes is outlined below. New case studies are published weekly.

Community development (community-led organisations)

Local authority

Community group

Clackmannanshire Council

Wimpy Park Community Group delivering a large-scale infrastructure project.

 Aberdeenshire Council

Aberchirder Men's Shed helping local people to develop new skills whilst improving their own health and wellbeing.

Dumfries and Galloway Council

Community asset transfers (CAT).

Glasgow City Council

Strategic Approach to Family Learning in Glasgow City.

Angus Council

Community resilience groups.

East Lothian Council

Young people and older adults attending the weekly dinner at Dunbar Grammar School are learning new skills and forming friendships.

Community engagement (participatory budgeting)

Local authority

Community group

East Renfrewshire Council

Community-led participatory budgeting (Linking Communities) in East Renfrewshire.


Local authority

Community group

South Ayrshire Council

Local approach to employability at South Ayrshire Council.

East Ayrshire Council

Alternative education provision in East Ayrshire.

Workforce Development and Employability

Local authority

Community group

North Ayrshire Council

Modern Apprenticeship youth work programme.

North Lanarkshire Council

Local approach to ‘Grow Your Own’ employability pathways in North Lanarkshire.

Dumfries and Galloway Council

Grow our own: Staff and volunteer pathway Dumfries and Galloway Council.

English for speakers of other languages

Local authority

Community group

Falkirk Council

English for speakers of other languages.

Dundee City Council

Partnership working to create better pathways for English speakers of other language learners in Dundee.

New Scots (community development)

Local authority

Community group

Inverclyde Council

New Scots Youth Group.

Aberdeen City Council

Ukrainian Hub supporting social, cultural and educational activities.

Family learning and intergenerational learning

Local authority

Community group

Glasgow City Council

Strategic Approach to Family Learning in Glasgow City.

Perth and Kinross Council

Intergenerational family learning in Perth and Kinross.

Mental health and wellbeing

Local authority

Community group

Dumfries and Galloway Council

Mental health support for young people in Dumfries and Galloway.

Reducing poverty and inequality

Local authority

Community group

Dundee City Council

An asset-based approach to tackling poverty and inequalities in Dundee.

Alcohol and drugs prevention

Local authority

Community group

Fife Council

Developing a community approach to supporting recovery and access to services in Fife Council.

South Lanarkshire Council

The GIVIT Youth Recovery Service (nhsinform.scot)

Partnership working

Local authority

Community group

Dundee City Council

Developing, promoting and sustaining partnership working in Dundee.

West Dunbartonshire Council

Adult Learning Partnership.

Leadership and governance

Local authority

Community group

Orkney Islands Council

The leadership and governance of CLD in Orkney Council.

Safeguarding and protection

Local authority

Community group

Stirling Council

Protecting vulnerable adults at Bannockburn enterprise hub.

Moray Council

Keeping children and young people safe online at Moray Council.

North Lanarkshire Council

Contextual safeguarding in North Lanarkshire Council.

Youth voice in decision-making

Local authority

Community group

East Ayrshire Council

Young people informing and influencing community planning.

Youth work and schools partnership working

Local authority

Community group

East Renfrewshire Council

Barrhead High School and CLD youth work partnership.

Falkirk Council

Joint working agreements between the CLD service and schools.