Evaluation of curriculum design in Scotland: Summary of recommendations

Recommendations for schools and settings

As a priority, staff in schools and settings must ensure that all children and young people receive their full entitlement to a coherent, progressive broad general education that enables children and young people to build on their prior knowledge and skills more effectively.

In secondary schools, staff need to ensure a better balance between providing all young people with their entitlement to a broad general education in S1 to S3, while providing appropriate depth in learning to prepare young people for progression to the senior phase.

In secondary schools, staff need to design the curriculum to support young people to make appropriate curricular choices in the senior phase where they build more effectively on their prior learning.

Staff need to increase the focus on how the curriculum is designed to raise the attainment of all and accelerate progress in closing any poverty-related attainment gaps.

Staff need to involve children and young people, parents and partners more actively in designing, evaluating and developing their curriculum to ensure it remains relevant in an ever-changing society.

Recommendations for the Scottish Government, national bodies and local authorities

Staff across all sectors would benefit from more subject-specific guidance and professional learning to support curriculum design and development to ensure curriculum programmes are based on the most up-to-date research and knowledge.

The Scottish Government and national bodies should ensure that future national curriculum guidance is clear, concise, easy to navigate and accessible. This includes specific advice on developing a curriculum which meets the needs of children and young people with complex needs.

Building on work already started, national bodies and local authorities should provide further support for staff to develop a greater understanding of the principles and benefits of high-quality interdisciplinary learning.

Local authorities and school staff should ensure that all learners have suitable access to digital technology at appropriate times when required to support the delivery of the curriculum.