Meeting the support needs of learners in Scotland’s colleges: Methodology and approach

HM Inspectors visited eight colleges across Scotland to learn about how colleges are meeting the support needs of learners. The colleges selected took account of variations in college scale and size and included urban, rural, specialist and non-specialist colleges, colleges with different regional structures and those that are single or multi-campus. Fieldwork took place in the first half of 2024.

HM Inspectors drew on the quality indicators and themes from the How Good is Our College (HGIOC) framework to focus discussions with staff and key stakeholders.

For the purposes of this report the term ‘additional support’ refers to support required due to a recognised barrier to learning. This includes, for example: dyslexia; dyspraxia; or mental ill health. However, support is increasingly required to also meet the wider needs of learners who do not have a declared disability. Additional support encompasses a very broad range of situations and conditions that vary considerably in longevity, stability, and complexity.

Colleges also deliver provision for learners who have profound and complex needs, who undertake unique and bespoke academic progression and career pathways. This report does not include consideration of provision for this learner group.

During visits, HM Inspectors engaged in professional dialogue with managers and staff in support and curriculum roles, learners, and external partners. The team considered:

  • The effectiveness of arrangements to meet the needs of learners who require support
  • Partnership working internally and with external agencies to support learners who have support needs to transition to work or further learning
  • Progression pathways for learners who have additional needs to employment or further learning; and
  • Learner views on the planning and delivery of support services.