Meeting the support needs of learners in Scotland’s colleges: Recommendations

To address the findings outlined in the Key Insights, the following are recommendations for colleges and national bodies to improve the quality of provision and services across Scotland’s colleges. 

1. Improve the early disclosure of additional needs

  • Encourage and support all learners to disclose additional needs through: 
    • improved data sharing between schools, colleges, and external agencies, ensuring compliance with GDPR 
    • proactive strategies that build trust and encouragement for all learners to provide information on their needs, and
    • increased visibility and accessibility of the support available at college.

2. Support for mental health

  • Continued investment in support for learner mental health and wellbeing, ensuring:
    • mental health awareness training for staff to improve consistency in support; 
    • mental health support is accessible and sufficient to meet growing demand; and,
    • promoting partnerships with local mental health organisations to expand available resources. 

3. Improving information sharing on transition 

  • Improve the sharing of relevant learner information from schools to colleges about school-aged learners, by: 
    • improving data-sharing agreements, and
    • providing comprehensive pre-college information for school-age learners, focusing on realistic expectations and the skills required for college success.

4. Improve learner outcomes for key groups

  • Address inequity in learner outcomes by: 
    • Implementing targeted interventions for learners with disabilities
    • Using data-driven approaches to identify at risk groups and prioritise support, and
    • Improving self-evaluation and action planning for improvement, particularly with key partners.