School and ELC inspection findings
Addressing the poverty-related attainment gap 2018-20
A briefing on inspection findings on addressing the poverty-related attainment gap.
Inspection findings: Developing the Young Workforce 2018-19
A briefing on inspection findings on DYW based on evidence gathered across early learning and childcare settings, primary, secondary and special schools over 2018-19.
Primary inspection findings: Primary curriculum 2018-19
A briefing on inspection findings for primary curriculum based on evidence gathered in primary inspections during session 2018-19.
Secondary inspection findings: Secondary curriculum 2016-19
A briefing on inspection findings for secondary curriculum based on evidence gathered in secondary inspections from 2016-19.
School Inspection Findings 2018-19
This is the first in the series of ‘Inspection Findings’ briefings which provide an analysis of the evidence gathered through inspections.