Inspection frameworks
We use a set of standards to evaluate and report on quality and improvement in Scottish education. The standards are set out in a series of quality frameworks.
Overarching Framework
All quality frameworks are designed around the framework for evaluating the quality of services and organisations. This is known as the 'Overarching Framework' document and describes the high-level principles that form the foundation of all of our quality frameworks.
Quality Indicators
Each framework includes a set of Quality Indicators (QIs) which inspectors use to reach professional evaluations. Inspections and reviews use selected QIs, themes from QIs or look at themes across QIs. We use these QIs to identify and report what is working well, what needs to improve and examples of highly effective and sector leading practice.
The QIs can be graded using a six-point scale, although it is not always necessary to do this. When the six-point scale is used to grade QIs, it is mainly used for the purpose of national and/or local benchmarking across a number of establishments and services.
Our quality frameworks
We have developed our sector specific frameworks in partnership with stakeholders. On occasion, we carry out inspection and review in response to identified risks. In such instances, we may develop a bespoke framework to take account of the identified risks, including the appropriate set of QIs or themes to apply.
Quality improvement framework for the early learning and childcare sectors
This self-evaluation framework supports quality improvement in early learning and childcare (ELC) settings.
How good is our Community Learning and Development?
How Good is our Community Learning and Development (CLD) in English and Gaelic.
How good is OUR school?
Supporting learner participation in self-evaluation and school improvement.
How good is our school library?
A companion document to support library staff and senior managers in evaluating the contribution of the school library.
How good is our school fourth edition - HGIOS 4
HGIOS4 is a suite of quality indicators that support staff in all sectors to evaluate what is working well for their learners and what could be better.
How good is our early learning and childcare?
How good is our early learning and childcare? builds on the strengths of previous and existing frameworks for improvement.
How good is our third sector organisation?
A self-evaluation resource created to support the third sector to evaluate their performance and to identify priorities for action.
How good is our college?
Quality indicators which support college practitioners to evaluate what is working well for their learners and what could be better.
How good is our culture and sport
This second edition framework (HGIOCS2) supports self-evaluation within the sports and culture sectors across Scotland.