Early learning and childcare quality indicators

The QIs for ELC should be used for all provision types, except for childminding and school age childcare services.

The structure of the quality indicators

The quality indicators for early learning and childcare (ELC) are grouped under four important headings:


The quality indicators for leadership are:

Children thrive and develop in quality spaces

The quality indicator for children thrive and develop in quality spaces is children experience high quality spaces.

Children play and learn

The quality indicators for children play and learn are:

Children are supported to achieve

The quality indicators for supporting children to achieve are:

Illustrations of practice

All quality indicators have themes to support your self-evaluation. There are illustrations of practice for each theme. These describe what we might see in a setting where the quality of provision is ‘very good’.

There will be a ‘weak’ illustration for some quality indicators, where appropriate. For more information about the principles of this framework and the grading criteria, return to the framework home page.