Developing a framework for early learning and childcare

Education Scotland’s HM Inspectors have been working with the Care inspectorate to develop a joint framework for the early learning and childcare sectors.

Hearing the views of stakeholders is at the heart of this project and a Stakeholder Group was established to support this work.

In January 2025, the new framework ‘Quality Improvement Framework for the Early Learning and Childcare Sectors’ was published.

Both organisations are continuing to work together, and with stakeholders, to pilot the use of the new framework and its quality indicators in some settings.

We will work closely with our stakeholders during this pilot phase and listen carefully to your views as we develop approaches to inspection.

These pages are dedicated to the development of the framework, and the involvement of stakeholders in this process. We will also share details of upcoming opportunities where you can find out more about this project and to share your views.