Developing a framework for early learning and childcare: Engagement work
Throughout the development of the Quality Improvement Framework for Early Learning and Childcare Sectors, we have engaged with stakeholders to gather their views.
Working with the Care Inspectorate, we undertook an online consultation to gather feedback on a draft version of the Framework. We also met face-to-face with stakeholders and arranged webinars to share developments and listen to a range of views.
The feedback from stakeholders helped us shape the new framework. Here’s some of the changes we made following our engagement work.
You said:
- Reduce duplication
- Sector specific
- Clarity
- Consistency of language/terminology
- Reduce length of framework
- Challenge questions
- Links to National Resources
We did:
- Streamlined the number of QIs from 28 to 11
- Reduced duplication of content
- Sector specific content
- Clarity on who is looking at what
- Interactive but also printable
- Add challenge questions
- Add links to resources