School inspection framework and models: Background

The education inspectorate is one of the oldest in the world, with the first HM Inspector of Schools (HMI) appointed in 1840.

Following the Scotland Act 1998 the Inspectorate was made an Executive Agency of the Scottish Government in 2001, and HMIe was answerable to the Scottish Ministers for the running of the Inspectorate and the whole inspection system in Scotland.

During 2024, the Education (Scotland) Bill was published. If this legislation is passed by the Scottish Parliament, it will establish the office of His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education in Scotland, with enhanced independence, to undertake the education inspection functions which currently sit within Education Scotland.

Before those changes take place, work is ongoing to review the school inspection process.

HM Inspectors currently use a set of standards to evaluate and report on quality and improvement in Scottish education. The standards are set out in a series of quality frameworks.

The current framework for schools, ‘How good is our school? (HGIOS) has been used since 1996 with the latest edition HGIOS4 published in 2015. Since its introduction, it has become a nationally and internationally recognised brand. It underpins effective self-evaluation as the starting point for school improvement.

It is now time to review the framework and how it is used in schools, to ensure school inspections are the best they can be.