Improving the Curriculum for Gàidhlig (Gaelic) Medium Education at The Nicolson Institute
See Gaelic version.
Àrd-sgoil MhicNeacail - The Nicolson Institute is a secondary school – àrd-sgoil, with a local authority enhanced provision. It provides continuity for Gàidhlig Medium Education for all the associated primary schools on Lewis. The total school roll is 1026 young people. There are 254 young people in Gàidhlig Medium Education. Most young people live within Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation data zones five and six. Around 42% of young people have additional support needs.
The improvement issue
The proportion of young people who were learning in Gàidhlig Medium Education was increasing at the secondary stages. This meant that the curriculum had to change to meet young people’s needs. The staff team recognised their duty to increase the number of speakers of Gàidhlig as part of national planning. Senior leaders therefore prioritised improving the curriculum for Gàidhlig. This focused on increasing learning through Gàidhlig across the secondary stages, leading to National Qualifications at the senior stages. Young people moving from primary stages have been learning through Gàidhlig immersion. The staff team’s planning for improvement increases continuity in learning through immersion.
What The Nicolson Institute did
Senior leaders reviewed promoted staff structures so that a senior leader had a strategic responsibility for Gàidhlig. A principal teacher of Gàidhlig Medium Education was established. This was in addition to the post of principal teacher of Gàidhlig and Gaelic (Learners) as subjects. The principal teacher’s remit was to develop Gàidhlig Medium Education across the curriculum. The staff team used the ‘Advice on Gaelic Education’, based on inspection evidence, to develop a shared understanding of Gàidhlig Medium Education and immersion. The principal teacher reviewed existing staffing capacity to teach through Gàidhlig and plan future developments across curricular areas. This action has maximised how staff for Gàidhlig Medium Education are deployed in the àrd-sgoil.
Staff established a dedicated house group within the àrd-sgoil for Gàidhlig Medium Education. This is led by a principal teacher of guidance for Gàidhlig Medium Education. This house group is timetabled across subjects to create a culture for immersion in Gàidhlig.
Staff are maximising curriculum design by providing opportunities in each curriculum context through Gàidhlig. Some of this is possible through working with partners. Partners’ curriculum contributions have a specific focus on Developing the Young Workforce. Staff have worked with partner organisations to create more Gàidhlig immersion experiences. Recently, staff have worked in partnership with BBC Radio nan Gàidheal, Fèisean nan Gàidheal, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig/Tobar an Dualchais, Comann na Gàidhlig, FilmG, community groups, local businesses and the local authority’s drama group, Dìleab. Young people take part in national and local mòd festivals. This is creating a curriculum that develops fluency, an understanding of Gàidhlig language and culture, and raises attainment. Young people benefit from this planned learning, which builds their fluency, knowledge and a rich range of skills. Young people have regular leadership opportunities, including being Gàidhlig Ambassadors in S6.
Staff have developed a policy on how to support young people with additional support needs in Gàidhlig Medium Education. Staff share their good practice at a local and national level.
Staff promote Gàidhlig widely by making effective use of social media. They host a specifc P7-S1 transition programme. This includes a ‘welcome night’ for parents and children in P7.
What the sustained impact has been
The number of young people in Gàidhlig Medium Education is increasing year on year. More young people are continuing in Gàidhlig Medium Education as they progress through secondary education. The numbers progressing to National Qualifications through the medium of Gàidhlig has increased. Young people are improving their fluency and extending their specialised vocabulary.
Gàidhlig Medium Education is now well-established and growing within the àrd-sgoil. Most young people in S4 achieve National 4 or National 5 Gàidhlig, Eachdraidh - History or Nuadh-eòlas - Modern Studies. Almost all young people in S4 achieve Gàidhlig literacy at Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework levels four and five.
Gàidhlig speaking members of staff and young people are actively encouraged to use Gàidhlig in as many situations as possible. This includes for socialising. Their use of Gàidhlig lanyards and badges supports Gàidhlig being visible and heard. Gàidhlig is heard and used more frequently, for example in the library, daily tannoy announcements and on display screens and boards around the àrd-sgoil. It is clear from responses to school-based surveys and focus groups that there is increasing demand for Gàidhlig Medium Education from young people, parents and staff. Gàidhlig is now more embedded in the life and work of the àrd-sgoil.
“We have been working hard to develop social subjects through the medium of Gàidhlig. Young people value the opportunity to continue to use Gàidhlig after S1-3. Young people’s confidence is increasing by working in partnership with the local community. For example, through work placements and connecting with local charity groups through the Youth Philanthropy Initiative in Religious and Moral Education.”
Social Subjects Teacher, Àrd-sgoil MhicNeacail
“Ard-sgoil MhicNeacail aims to maximise young people’s exposure to Gàidhlig language and culture. Staff are creating quality immersion experiences in a range of different situations. They focus on future careers in Gàidhlig. Young people, parents, staff and the wider community are hugely positive about the impact Gàidhlig has on the whole school community. The language and culture are highly valued. Working in Gàidhlig Medium Education is hugely rewarding.”
Principal Teacher of Gàidhlig Medium Education, Àrd-sgoil MhicNeacail