Promoting improvement through sharing highly effective practice
Improved approaches in the broad general education phase to improve young people’s experience at St Columba’s High School
Senior leaders recognised the need to develop staff data literacy across the school.
Effective approaches to staff data literacy at Craigmount High School
Senior leaders recognised the need to develop staff data literacy across the school.
Digital learning at The Royal High School
Senior leaders and staff recognised the need to improve the use of digital technology to help enhance learning and teaching strategies across the school.
Developing the Young Workforce at Greenwood Academy
Senior leaders and staff created a whole-school strategic vision for developing the young workforce (DYW), in order to offer a wider range of pathways, including vocational programmes, for young people who were at risk of becoming disengaged with school.
English as an additional language at Holyrood Secondary School
Responding to the needs of young people with English as an additional language (EAL).
Monitoring and tracking at Douglas Academy
Effective practice that has been captured during the inspection of Douglas Academy in East Dunbartonshire Council.