National Summary Report March 2024: Summary of findings

  1. Progress towards next steps being made by local authorities places a strong emphasis on the importance of collaborative approaches to support their families and communities.

  2. Evidence-based approaches are being used by all local authorities. When developed using their own research and evidence, and specifically targeted, there are strong links to improved outcomes.

  3. Although the stretch aims for overall attainment may not have been met by local authorities, there is evidence that work to narrow the poverty-related attainment gap was more successful.

  4. Further work is required in the Senior Phase to ensure robust processes are in place to track and monitor progress towards the stretch aims.

  5. Attendance remains a priority for all.

  6. The case studies provide rich illustrations of the ongoing work which is improving equity for our children and young people.

  7. The advice, support and challenge provided by attainment advisors is highly valued and is impactful.

  8. Collaboration with a variety of teams within Education Scotland has provided local authorities with a wide range of additional support.