Education Scotland to host event looking at rights-based approaches to address complex decision-making in educational settings
Join Education Scotland and Laura Lundy, Professor of Law (Children's Rights) at Queen’s University in Belfast, to explore how a rights-based approach can be used to address complex decision-making around marginalising and exclusionary practice.
During the event Prof. Lundy will discuss the paper ‘Children, classrooms and challenging behaviour: do the rights of the many outweigh the rights of the few' (Gillett-Swan & Lundy, 2021).
Looking at the current context in Scottish schools, Prof. Lundy will present a rights-based model to support discussions and decision-making around forms of practice that marginalise learners, such as withdrawal from class, use of in-school/off site alternative provisions, part time timetables, and exclusion.
Jointly organised by The Promise Scotland and hosted at the University of Strathclyde’s Technology and Innovation Centre in Glasgow, participants can join the event in-person (limited spaces) or online.
Find out more and sign up: