New Learning Conversations podcast – No Wrong Path

Published 08/08/2023.  Last updated 08/08/2023

The third episode of Education Scotland’s new Learning Conversations podcast with Interim Chief Executive, Gillian Hamilton, is now available to download.

In this episode, Gillian speaks to her son Stephen and Education Scotland’s Klaus Mayer about their career journeys.

We hope that Stephen and Klaus’ stories will provide learners and their parents and carers with lots of reassurance and career inspiration.

It is important to remember that there is no wrong path to unlocking future success. Many people in interesting job roles across Scotland have not taken an obvious or traditional path to get there. Whatever your SQA results, expert careers advisers are available to help you explore your options. Read more about the support available for learners.


New Learning Conversations podcast – No Wrong Path

Published 08/08/2023.  Last updated 08/08/2023

The third episode of Education Scotland’s new Learning Conversations podcast with Interim Chief Executive, Gillian Hamilton, is now available to download.

In this episode, Gillian speaks to her son Stephen and Education Scotland’s Klaus Mayer about their career journeys.

We hope that Stephen and Klaus’ stories will provide learners and their parents and carers with lots of reassurance and career inspiration.

It is important to remember that there is no wrong path to unlocking future success. Many people in interesting job roles across Scotland have not taken an obvious or traditional path to get there. Whatever your SQA results, expert careers advisers are available to help you explore your options. Read more about the support available for learners.