Parentzone Scotland
Parentzone Scotland provides information and advice about education in Scotland. It includes practical ideas to support learning at home in a variety of curriculum areas, along with information on additional support needs, and tips on how parents can get involved in their child’s school and education.

Access British Sign Language (BSL) translations for key information and advice to help parents support their children’s learning including.

My child
Find out what your child is entitled to in terms of learning and support as they progress through their education.

Curriculum in Scotland
This section provides a simple introduction to Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence, including information on the Broad General Education and the Senior Phase.

Learning at home
A positive home learning environment makes a big difference to children's learning.

My school
Find information on some of the different options available when choosing a school for your child.

Additional support
Find out about specific support needs and what you can do to support your child.

Getting involved
As a parent or carer you can make an enormous difference to your child's chances of success in school, at home and in their later life.

Parentzone News
Find useful news for parents and carers.