Heather's learner journey

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 06/06/2023

​Heather has additional support needs and finds literacy particularly challenging. She achieved well in her broad general education at second level in all areas of the curriculum.

In S4, Heather agreed, supported by school staff and her parents, to a one-year programme of learning in English and lifeskills maths at National 3 and a two – year programme of study at National 3/National 4 in her other subject areas. She was successful in interviews for a place at the local college studying National 4 Early Education and Childcare - this included a work placement in a local nursery.

Heather continued to access additional support for literacy and took part in the Saltire Challenge. Her work with Young Carers and her work placement contributed to her Wellbeing and Personal Development Awards.

In S5, Heather continued with her two-year programmes of study and passed all courses at National 4.Heather successfully completed a Literacy unit at National 4 and in all her other subjects achieved course awards at National 4.

Heather was successful in her application for the NC course in Early Education and Childcare at college.

I have always struggled a bit with English and maths and am better at practical subjects, but with the support of my teachers I have achieved a good set of results from school. Young Carers has been a really good support to me and I might not have done so well at school if they hadn’t helped me cope with looking after my mum. I am a real people person and have always enjoyed lots of company particularly my nieces and nephews and I think this experience will really help me in my Early Education and Childcare course at college.

Heather's learner journey

Published 01/01/2017.  Last updated 06/06/2023

​Heather has additional support needs and finds literacy particularly challenging. She achieved well in her broad general education at second level in all areas of the curriculum.

In S4, Heather agreed, supported by school staff and her parents, to a one-year programme of learning in English and lifeskills maths at National 3 and a two – year programme of study at National 3/National 4 in her other subject areas. She was successful in interviews for a place at the local college studying National 4 Early Education and Childcare - this included a work placement in a local nursery.

Heather continued to access additional support for literacy and took part in the Saltire Challenge. Her work with Young Carers and her work placement contributed to her Wellbeing and Personal Development Awards.

In S5, Heather continued with her two-year programmes of study and passed all courses at National 4.Heather successfully completed a Literacy unit at National 4 and in all her other subjects achieved course awards at National 4.

Heather was successful in her application for the NC course in Early Education and Childcare at college.

I have always struggled a bit with English and maths and am better at practical subjects, but with the support of my teachers I have achieved a good set of results from school. Young Carers has been a really good support to me and I might not have done so well at school if they hadn’t helped me cope with looking after my mum. I am a real people person and have always enjoyed lots of company particularly my nieces and nephews and I think this experience will really help me in my Early Education and Childcare course at college.