My school
How do you choose a school for your child? This section provides information on some of the different options available along with general school information and case studies from schools to help you understand more about Curriculum for Excellence. There's also information on the inspection and review process.

School information dashboard
The school information dashboard brings together a range of information gathered from publicly funded schools in Scotland.
Choosing a school
How do you choose a school for your child? This section provides information on some of the different options available.
General school information
Find out about attendance and absence, term dates, financial assistance, Glow and how to view your child's educational record.
What are schools doing?
Find information to help you understand more about Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) and what schools are doing to follow CfE guidelines.
Inspection and review
The inspection process aims to promote improvement and successful innovation that enhances learners' experiences in schools and early learning and childcare (ELC) settings.
Education glossary
This glossary explains educational terms used on Parentzone Scotland. Clicking on highlighted words within the 'Find a school' section of the website will cause the associated glossary entry to open.
Parents' meetings
Learn about parents' evenings and other opportunities to meet your child's teacher(s) and talk about how your child is doing in school.