Masters learning
Masters learning is an online resource which has been created to provide information around the different aspects of undertaking a Masters-level programme. You'll find details around university providers, programmes, funding and general information. It is designed to ensure that you have the information you need to plan your next steps in engaging in Masters learning.
Masters learning (SCQF level 11) supports and develops critical thinking around key practices and issues pertinent to the delivery of high quality learning, teaching and leadership. The aspiration of Masters learning across a teacher’s career is to create and sustain a profession which has a depth of knowledge, understanding and experience rooted in the context of the classroom and school systems.
‘In aspiring to the creation of a Masters teaching profession, Scotland continues to support the historical progression of teachers as highly qualified and intellectually competent professionals. This is a long-term ambition which in order to realise will require a culture shift in relation to professional learning and engagement. Such a shift would help to enhance teachers’ status in society and to attract candidates with the requisite competencies, commitment and attributes to join the teaching profession.’
[Independent Panel on Career Pathways for Teachers, Final Report, May 2019]

What is Masters learning?
Information on the concept and framework of Masters learning, highlighting its focus on professional learning and development for educators in Scotland.
Why study at Masters level?
Find out why you should study at Masters level and its benefits in enhancing professional knowledge, skills and reflective practice.
Information on funding for the program.
Find a provider
See what universities support Masters in Education courses.