Embracing diversity: First staff Iftar

12 June 2024 

As the world grows increasingly interconnected, it’s more important than ever for communities to come together in celebration of diversity and understanding. Recently we had the pleasure of hosting our first Iftar celebration, a remarkable occasion that highlighted the diversity within our school community and the importance of inclusivity and unity.

For those unfamiliar, Iftar is the evening meal with which Muslims end their daily Ramadan fast at sunset. It’s not only a time for sustenance of the body but also a spiritual occasion, fostering a sense of community, empathy, and gratitude. The decision to organise a staff Iftar stemmed from a collective desire to foster a deeper sense of connection and appreciation among our diverse team of educators and support staff. Ramadan provided the perfect backdrop for us to come together and honour our colleagues’ traditions and beliefs.

In the weeks leading up to the event, excitement buzzed through the school corridors as preparations unfolded. Staff members of various cultural backgrounds enthusiastically contributed to the planning process, ensuring that every detail was thoughtfully considered.

On the day of the Iftar, anticipation hung in the air as staff eagerly gathered in the staff room which was transformed into a vibrant and welcoming space, adorned with colourful decorations and banners. As the sun dipped below the horizon, signalling the end of the day’s fast, a hush fell over the room as the call for prayer echoed softly through it. With a shared sense of reverence, staff members joined in the traditional breaking of the fast, starting with dates and water, a simple yet heartfelt gesture that symbolised our shared humanity and solidarity.

The Iftar spread was a testament to the rich diversity of culinary traditions within our staff community. From savoury samosas to aubergine fetteh, each dish was lovingly prepared and eagerly shared among colleagues. Laughter and conversation flowed freely, breaking down barriers and forging new connections.

Beyond the delicious food, the Iftar provided an opportunity for staff members to learn from one another and deepen their understanding of different cultural practices. Colleagues shared stories about their experiences observing Ramadan, fostering empathy and appreciation for each other’s beliefs and traditions. As the evening came to an end, there was a communal feeling of thankfulness and warmth that lingered in the air.

In a world often divided by differences, events like the staff Iftar serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of coming together to celebrate our diversity and shared humanity. We not only enrich our own lives but also forge a more inclusive and compassionate community for all. Here’s to many more moments of building bridges and understanding!

Embracing diversity: First staff Iftar

12 June 2024 

As the world grows increasingly interconnected, it’s more important than ever for communities to come together in celebration of diversity and understanding. Recently we had the pleasure of hosting our first Iftar celebration, a remarkable occasion that highlighted the diversity within our school community and the importance of inclusivity and unity.

For those unfamiliar, Iftar is the evening meal with which Muslims end their daily Ramadan fast at sunset. It’s not only a time for sustenance of the body but also a spiritual occasion, fostering a sense of community, empathy, and gratitude. The decision to organise a staff Iftar stemmed from a collective desire to foster a deeper sense of connection and appreciation among our diverse team of educators and support staff. Ramadan provided the perfect backdrop for us to come together and honour our colleagues’ traditions and beliefs.

In the weeks leading up to the event, excitement buzzed through the school corridors as preparations unfolded. Staff members of various cultural backgrounds enthusiastically contributed to the planning process, ensuring that every detail was thoughtfully considered.

On the day of the Iftar, anticipation hung in the air as staff eagerly gathered in the staff room which was transformed into a vibrant and welcoming space, adorned with colourful decorations and banners. As the sun dipped below the horizon, signalling the end of the day’s fast, a hush fell over the room as the call for prayer echoed softly through it. With a shared sense of reverence, staff members joined in the traditional breaking of the fast, starting with dates and water, a simple yet heartfelt gesture that symbolised our shared humanity and solidarity.

The Iftar spread was a testament to the rich diversity of culinary traditions within our staff community. From savoury samosas to aubergine fetteh, each dish was lovingly prepared and eagerly shared among colleagues. Laughter and conversation flowed freely, breaking down barriers and forging new connections.

Beyond the delicious food, the Iftar provided an opportunity for staff members to learn from one another and deepen their understanding of different cultural practices. Colleagues shared stories about their experiences observing Ramadan, fostering empathy and appreciation for each other’s beliefs and traditions. As the evening came to an end, there was a communal feeling of thankfulness and warmth that lingered in the air.

In a world often divided by differences, events like the staff Iftar serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of coming together to celebrate our diversity and shared humanity. We not only enrich our own lives but also forge a more inclusive and compassionate community for all. Here’s to many more moments of building bridges and understanding!


Shagufta Nasar

About the author

Shagufta Nasar is a Primary School Teacher working in East Renfrewshire.