Middle Leadership

24 March 2022 

My research is through a Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching program through the US-UK Fulbright Commission with advisors from the University of Strathclyde. I have a lot to learn about how Scotland supports middle leaders as they navigate the critical position between administration and classroom teaching. In fact, it was Education Scotland’s online programme listings that helped me identify Scotland as a location for this research.

Thanks to the wonders of technology, I was able to connect with Rona Grant and Louise Sanders from Education Scotland virtually from my classroom in Nashville in January. I was thrilled to learn more about the professional communities established through their courses, including the Aspiring to Middle Leadership Course. I was energised by our conversation and that continued when I was able to log in to observe one of the launch sessions.

I was inspired by the teachers on that call as they articulated the responsibilities they hold and reflected on the impact of their work.

I was inspired to pursue this research through my own experiences in middle leadership. I am fascinated by the diverse roles held by teachers in middle leadership and how they are both unique realities in each school setting and shared experiences by people who hold similar roles across settings.

Middle leadership, while difficult to narrowly define, is often hugely influential to the success of school functioning. Middle leaders can provide the “how” for various initiatives and bridge the gap between classrooms and the administration. Undoubtedly, successful middle leadership benefits students, teachers, and school administration.

My research will focus broadly on these research questions.

  • How is middle leadership practised in Scottish schools?
  • What resources exist to support middle leaders in Scottish schools?
  • How do middle leaders access these resources and apply them to their multifaceted roles?
  • What can American middle leaders and schools learn from Scottish practices?

As I mentioned, I am most excited about the opportunity to have conversations with teachers! In fact, my research depends on being able to talk with those who know the landscape of leadership best, middle leaders themselves. I am looking to hear the stories of Scottish teacher leaders about their experiences with middle leadership. I will be based in Glasgow but I am eager to travel or conduct phone or video call interviews.

If you are interested, please let me know here: https://bit.ly/MiddleLeadershipInterviewInterest.

For more information or just to connect, please reach out at ellie.walsh-moots@strath.ac.uk.

Learn more about my Fulbright experience at bit.ly/EllieFulbright2022.

I can also be found on Instagram @ms_walshmoots and Twitter @ewalshmoots.

Middle Leadership

24 March 2022 

My research is through a Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching program through the US-UK Fulbright Commission with advisors from the University of Strathclyde. I have a lot to learn about how Scotland supports middle leaders as they navigate the critical position between administration and classroom teaching. In fact, it was Education Scotland’s online programme listings that helped me identify Scotland as a location for this research.

Thanks to the wonders of technology, I was able to connect with Rona Grant and Louise Sanders from Education Scotland virtually from my classroom in Nashville in January. I was thrilled to learn more about the professional communities established through their courses, including the Aspiring to Middle Leadership Course. I was energised by our conversation and that continued when I was able to log in to observe one of the launch sessions.

I was inspired by the teachers on that call as they articulated the responsibilities they hold and reflected on the impact of their work.

I was inspired to pursue this research through my own experiences in middle leadership. I am fascinated by the diverse roles held by teachers in middle leadership and how they are both unique realities in each school setting and shared experiences by people who hold similar roles across settings.

Middle leadership, while difficult to narrowly define, is often hugely influential to the success of school functioning. Middle leaders can provide the “how” for various initiatives and bridge the gap between classrooms and the administration. Undoubtedly, successful middle leadership benefits students, teachers, and school administration.

My research will focus broadly on these research questions.

  • How is middle leadership practised in Scottish schools?
  • What resources exist to support middle leaders in Scottish schools?
  • How do middle leaders access these resources and apply them to their multifaceted roles?
  • What can American middle leaders and schools learn from Scottish practices?

As I mentioned, I am most excited about the opportunity to have conversations with teachers! In fact, my research depends on being able to talk with those who know the landscape of leadership best, middle leaders themselves. I am looking to hear the stories of Scottish teacher leaders about their experiences with middle leadership. I will be based in Glasgow but I am eager to travel or conduct phone or video call interviews.

If you are interested, please let me know here: https://bit.ly/MiddleLeadershipInterviewInterest.

For more information or just to connect, please reach out at ellie.walsh-moots@strath.ac.uk.

Learn more about my Fulbright experience at bit.ly/EllieFulbright2022.

I can also be found on Instagram @ms_walshmoots and Twitter @ewalshmoots.


Ellie Walsh-Moots

About the author

Ellie Walsh-Moots is a secondary social studies teacher from Nashville, Tennessee, USA, who is conducting research into educational middle leadership in Scotland through June of this year.