Connected and Collaborative Systems Leadership

Published 30/01/2024.  Last updated 10/07/2024

This is an Education Scotland leadership programme.

The Connected and Collaborative Systems Leadership programme is designed to support headteachers and system level leaders to strengthen and expand their school and system leadership skills, with a strong focus on delivering excellence and equity for all children and young people through collaborative enquiry.

Connected and Collaborative Systems Leadership (CCSL) is founded upon the latest national and international policy context and research and builds on the previous iteration: Excellence in Headship Stretch

The programme in 2024/25 will present a pathway of professional learning for headteachers in collaboration with system leaders including colleagues from local authorities and national agencies.

A major element of the system leadership learning is a collaborative professional enquiry around key areas of educational policy and theory identified by enquiry groups. The purpose of the enquiry is not simply to research and deepen shared knowledge but also to inform future action and improvement. The collaborative enquiry groups seek to ‘nudge’ the system at the most appropriate level(s). Groups are then tasked with developing a ‘Think Piece’ that highlights their collaborative enquiry findings in the form of observations and recommendations. These are then shared with colleagues across the Scottish education system, including Scottish Government, Local Authorities, Professional Associations, in addition a range of key stakeholders to support headteacher influence, representation and participation in the policy making process.

You can view the collaborative enquiry Think Pieces from previous participants here:

EiH Stretch Paper 1 (563 KB PDF)

EiH Stretch Paper 2 (973 KB PDF)

The programme aims to:

  • Deepen knowledge and understanding of system leadership and system change
  • Facilitate networked systems learning through an enquiry approach
  • Provide knowledge and skills to lead and develop agency in the system
  • Enable participants to plan and lead system change within their contexts, supporting reform that makes a positive impact on aspects such as curriculum and promotes equity and social justice

Programme participants will engage in an online welcome session followed by 5 in-person learning and connection days to introduce the core learning of CCSL. These will provide introductions to collaborative enquiry and an opportunity to sense make current educational policy through a system leadership and diversity and intersectionality lens. They will also provide valuable networking building opportunities for the cohort.

Following the induction in September, participants can access a range of System Learn sessions. These will take the form of in-person and online learning sessions, linked to the connected and collaborative leadership themes. They will be delivered by a range of presenters including the PLL team.

Participants will share the learning from their enquiries the following autumn 2025.

The Connected and Collaborative Systems Leadership programme (CCSL) provides a range of benefits:

  • work collaboratively to develop better understanding of system leadership through a networked learning approach
  • select from a range of online and in person system learn professional learning sessions designed to support your ongoing learning across a range of areas related to system leadership
  • access a range of online resources that support professional learning and leadership
  • Opportunities will also be extended to cohort participant to be involved in system reform, policy development and implementation. This will aim to develop a collaborative and sustainable model to share enquiries, contribute thinking to inform policy and develop wider educational reform and implementation.

The programme is for school and system leaders with a remit for curriculum and pedagogical developments, quality improvement and effective collaborative improvement across the system.

The programme will take place for one year from September – November.
Following completion of the programme, participants will have access to the range of further learning opportunities over the following academic year. The online professional learning opportunities vary in duration, in-person sessions will normally be full day.

As the Professional Learning and Leadership Team in Education Scotland is currently funded to develop a suite of programmes, participation in the programme is free of charge. However, there is no funding for any staff cover costs or travel.

For in-person core learning sessions we are required to book venues and catering in advance so by signing up you are signing a social contract that communicates your intention to attend. We recognise there may exceptional circumstances that prevent your attendance. In this instance we would ask that you inform us at the earliest opportunity to allow for your place to go to another school leader.

Candidates are expected to have experience of school and/or system level leadership within their local authority or national organisations. Please consider your commitment and readiness for this professional learning before completing the application process.

Applications for the next CCSL cohort will open on the 14 August 2024 and close on the 30 August 2024 at 17:00. Please click here to complete this short expression of interest form.

For further information about this programme, or for an informal discussion with a Lead Specialist, contact us at

Connected and Collaborative Systems Leadership

Published 30/01/2024.  Last updated 10/07/2024

This is an Education Scotland leadership programme.

The Connected and Collaborative Systems Leadership programme is designed to support headteachers and system level leaders to strengthen and expand their school and system leadership skills, with a strong focus on delivering excellence and equity for all children and young people through collaborative enquiry.

Connected and Collaborative Systems Leadership (CCSL) is founded upon the latest national and international policy context and research and builds on the previous iteration: Excellence in Headship Stretch

The programme in 2024/25 will present a pathway of professional learning for headteachers in collaboration with system leaders including colleagues from local authorities and national agencies.

A major element of the system leadership learning is a collaborative professional enquiry around key areas of educational policy and theory identified by enquiry groups. The purpose of the enquiry is not simply to research and deepen shared knowledge but also to inform future action and improvement. The collaborative enquiry groups seek to ‘nudge’ the system at the most appropriate level(s). Groups are then tasked with developing a ‘Think Piece’ that highlights their collaborative enquiry findings in the form of observations and recommendations. These are then shared with colleagues across the Scottish education system, including Scottish Government, Local Authorities, Professional Associations, in addition a range of key stakeholders to support headteacher influence, representation and participation in the policy making process.

You can view the collaborative enquiry Think Pieces from previous participants here:

EiH Stretch Paper 1 (563 KB PDF)

EiH Stretch Paper 2 (973 KB PDF)

The programme aims to:

  • Deepen knowledge and understanding of system leadership and system change
  • Facilitate networked systems learning through an enquiry approach
  • Provide knowledge and skills to lead and develop agency in the system
  • Enable participants to plan and lead system change within their contexts, supporting reform that makes a positive impact on aspects such as curriculum and promotes equity and social justice

Programme participants will engage in an online welcome session followed by 5 in-person learning and connection days to introduce the core learning of CCSL. These will provide introductions to collaborative enquiry and an opportunity to sense make current educational policy through a system leadership and diversity and intersectionality lens. They will also provide valuable networking building opportunities for the cohort.

Following the induction in September, participants can access a range of System Learn sessions. These will take the form of in-person and online learning sessions, linked to the connected and collaborative leadership themes. They will be delivered by a range of presenters including the PLL team.

Participants will share the learning from their enquiries the following autumn 2025.

The Connected and Collaborative Systems Leadership programme (CCSL) provides a range of benefits:

  • work collaboratively to develop better understanding of system leadership through a networked learning approach
  • select from a range of online and in person system learn professional learning sessions designed to support your ongoing learning across a range of areas related to system leadership
  • access a range of online resources that support professional learning and leadership
  • Opportunities will also be extended to cohort participant to be involved in system reform, policy development and implementation. This will aim to develop a collaborative and sustainable model to share enquiries, contribute thinking to inform policy and develop wider educational reform and implementation.

The programme is for school and system leaders with a remit for curriculum and pedagogical developments, quality improvement and effective collaborative improvement across the system.

The programme will take place for one year from September – November.
Following completion of the programme, participants will have access to the range of further learning opportunities over the following academic year. The online professional learning opportunities vary in duration, in-person sessions will normally be full day.

As the Professional Learning and Leadership Team in Education Scotland is currently funded to develop a suite of programmes, participation in the programme is free of charge. However, there is no funding for any staff cover costs or travel.

For in-person core learning sessions we are required to book venues and catering in advance so by signing up you are signing a social contract that communicates your intention to attend. We recognise there may exceptional circumstances that prevent your attendance. In this instance we would ask that you inform us at the earliest opportunity to allow for your place to go to another school leader.

Candidates are expected to have experience of school and/or system level leadership within their local authority or national organisations. Please consider your commitment and readiness for this professional learning before completing the application process.

Applications for the next CCSL cohort will open on the 14 August 2024 and close on the 30 August 2024 at 17:00. Please click here to complete this short expression of interest form.

For further information about this programme, or for an informal discussion with a Lead Specialist, contact us at