Edinburgh Learns: Skills

Published 09/12/2020.  Last updated 25/11/2024

It is the aim of every teacher to deliver high quality teaching and learning. It is the single most important feature of the reflective practitioner and the aspect that is kept under constant review as staff strive to improve skills.

Leadership of Learning is a two-session course (four hours of face-to-face professional learning in total). This professional learning is aimed at teachers and school leaders from all school sectors to develop their confidence and ability to promote skills development into classroom practice.

Key learning

  • How confident do you feel about skills?
  • Why are skills so integral to teaching and learning?
  • What do we mean by key skills?
  • How can we embed skills into our own practice?
  • How can I improve my practice in skills?

This course aims to:

  • improve practitioners' confidence and ability in the delivery of skills in their classrooms and schools
  • develop their knowledge of what the key skills are and how to teach these explicitly in their classrooms
  • provide examples and tools of how to teach skills in a progressive way so that they are built upon and tracked across learning
  • equip delegates with both the knowledge of the key documents to deepen their knowledge further and also with tools of enquiry so that they can try out new ideas and strategies and reflect on their impact.

Teachers from all sectors - primary, secondary and special.

Four hours (2 x 2-hour sessions)

For more information email Louise Stevenson, Senior Development Officer Teaching and Learning (Edinburgh Learns)


Edinburgh Learns: Skills

Published 09/12/2020.  Last updated 25/11/2024

It is the aim of every teacher to deliver high quality teaching and learning. It is the single most important feature of the reflective practitioner and the aspect that is kept under constant review as staff strive to improve skills.

Leadership of Learning is a two-session course (four hours of face-to-face professional learning in total). This professional learning is aimed at teachers and school leaders from all school sectors to develop their confidence and ability to promote skills development into classroom practice.

Key learning

  • How confident do you feel about skills?
  • Why are skills so integral to teaching and learning?
  • What do we mean by key skills?
  • How can we embed skills into our own practice?
  • How can I improve my practice in skills?

This course aims to:

  • improve practitioners' confidence and ability in the delivery of skills in their classrooms and schools
  • develop their knowledge of what the key skills are and how to teach these explicitly in their classrooms
  • provide examples and tools of how to teach skills in a progressive way so that they are built upon and tracked across learning
  • equip delegates with both the knowledge of the key documents to deepen their knowledge further and also with tools of enquiry so that they can try out new ideas and strategies and reflect on their impact.

Teachers from all sectors - primary, secondary and special.

Four hours (2 x 2-hour sessions)

For more information email Louise Stevenson, Senior Development Officer Teaching and Learning (Edinburgh Learns)
