Educator Leadership Programme

Published 29/04/2022.  Last updated 12/06/2024

This programme is currently under review and an updated offer will be communicated prior to the start of the 2024/25 school session.

Education Scotland and the Professional Learning and Leadership team are currently undergoing a review of our offers including ELP to ensure we continue to deliver on our key functions and reflect the needs of the education system.

While this review is underway we are unable to confirm at this stage plans for ELP in 2024/25.

We aim to communicate our revised professional learning and leadership offers for next session by May 2024 – watch this space!

If you would like to be kept up to date with the latest news relating to the work of the Education Scotland Professional Learning and Leadership team, please complete this form.​


The Educator Leadership Programme (ELP) is a professional learning programme that enables participants to reflect on their practices and engage in practitioner enquiry. 

With the support of the ELP team, educators are guided through an enquiry cycle and provided opportunities to connect with other practitioners.

"I loved hearing from people in different contexts and seeing what they were thinking about/applying.  Seeing them as leaders of learning helped me to also put myself in that group and see myself in that way as well." 2022 to 2023 Participant Feedback

Educator Leadership Programme Information Sessions 2023 Video

This cohort of the Educator Leadership programme (ELP) takes place from September 2023 to March 2024.

The programme for this year will:

  • be primarily facilitated online
  • have three induction session options, two of which are face to face  in Aberdeen and Glasgow and one online via Microsoft Teams
  • provide access to the Educator Leadership Programme website and programme content
  • provide a collaborative community on the platform Slack which will be used to: share individual reflection, respond to tasks, and respond to peers in your group

Programme Modules

There are three programme modules with a series of online, reflective tasks. Accompanying literature and research will be available for participants to complete.

These modules will support practitioners to select an area of enquiry that will positively impact on their learners and to generate questions which explore options for developing practice. Participants will also gather evidence of impact and carry out individual enquiry.

Module 1

Participants will explore how leadership of self and practice is a core element of educator's professional identity and reflect on their current practice. Participants will also attend their first 'touchpoint twilight' session at the end of this module. In November you will review Module 1 and your understanding around the purpose of enquiry and refine your enquiry question ahead of Module 2 which focusses on the enquiry process.

Module 2

Participants will consider the nature, purpose, and process of enquiry. the second touch point two takes place at the end of module 2. In January we will review module 2, check in with our enquiries, and focus on how we will share our learning at the summit in March.

Module 3

Participants will continue to build on the process of enquiry and share their learning.


Throughout the programme, participants are supported and challenged by their peers, critical friends and the programme leads.


Participants are expected to attend a minimum of four events (see the dates on timeline image below). You will also be expected to:

  • attend one induction session in September, where participants meet their programme lead and examine the concepts of educator leadership
  • attend two touchpoint twilights: one in November and one in January 
  • attend a sharing the learning summit in March, where participants share their own learning and can explore the enquiring approaches taken by others
  • commit to a minimum of 10 hours of self-directed online learning plus working on individual enquiry with time allocated to latter depending on existing commitments. 
  • create a poster which shares the learning from their enquiring approach (examples of these from the 2022-23 ELP cohort)

It is envisioned that your enquiry would support and be part of your day to day work in your context. Participants who have completed the ELP Enquiry Cycle and shared evidence of their learning will gain a completion certificate and may choose to exit the programme at this point or to join the ELP Alumni network.

Practitioners engaged in the Educator Leadership Programme (ELP) will learn more about practitioner enquiry and then plan and implement an enquiring approach to developing their practice in their context.

The programme also supports educators to reflect on the learning arising in terms of their own leadership of practice as well as for their learners.

As learners are closely involved in this process, ELP encourages participants to share their enquiry journey and involve them throughout the cycle. Engaging in this collaborative enquiry model and reflecting on learning processes, enables educators to role model metacognitive practices.

ELP provides a space for participants to form a community of practice (Wenger, 1998), providing a support network to work through the enquiry cycle. The intention is to continue learning with and from each other as ELP Alumni.

The Educator Leadership Programme is a developmental programme informed by the GTCS Standard for Career Long Professional learning, the Competent Practitioner Framework and the revised SSSC 2015 Standard for Childhood Practice. This supports participants to enhance their confidence and skills.

There is no SCQF accreditation or pass/fail element to the programme.

Completion certificates are given to participants who complete the ELP Enquiry Cycle including:  

  • attending the induction session in September
  • attending the Touchpoint Twilights in November and January
  • participating in regular online interaction
  • generating an enquiry poster
  • sharing their learning in March at the summit

Past participants in the Educator Leadership programme explain the impact of the programme:

"Having opportunities to engage with other people in the wider education community and hear their stories. This gives a greater sense of perspective regarding the direction of education."

"I think it is great that Early Learning and Childcare Officers and Teachers are able to collaborate together in this course, instead of having separate programmes. We can learn from each other and our leadership journeys."

"It was a real opportunity to reconnect with the enjoyment of exploring how children learn. So, when thinking about my overall journey it has actually been really rewarding to reflect on why I enjoy teaching, focussing on shared success with the kids."

"I think my enquiry has encouraged me to question my practice and in turn the practice throughout the ELC.  It has empowered me to take action and make positive change through valuable data collected throughout my enquiry and I am keen to use enquiry on a regular basis to promote and bring about positive change."

2022 to 2023 Participant Feedback

The Educator Leadership Programme (ELP) is open to Early Learning and Childcare practitioners, Community Learning and Development practitioners, and post-probation classroom teachers in Scotland.

Practitioners engaged in the Educator Leadership Programme (ELP) will learn about practitioner enquiry and plan and implement an enquiring approach to developing their practice in their context.

The programme also supports educators to reflect on the learning arising in terms of their own leadership of practice as well as for their learners.

Although ELP is not specifically designed with  aspiring or current middle leaders in mind, some participants have engaged with the programme and led an enquiry which involved leadership of staff in their setting. If this resonates with you it may be helpful to compare the programme overviews of Aspiring to Middle Leadership and Middle Leaders Leading Change and consider which would be the best fit for you at this time.

The Educator Leadership Programme also provides opportunities for those who have completed the programme to support participants as Critical Friends (see section 9).

EL program dates 23-24


This cohort of the Educator Leadership programme (ELP) takes place from September 2023 to March 2024.


ELP Induction: 10am to 3pm

This session will include:

  • orientation
  • exploring your why
  • the start of module 1


Choose one of the following dates:

  • Tuesday 12 September 2023: Aberdeen
  • Thursday 14 September 2023: Online
  • Thursday 21 September 2023: Glasgow


Twilight touch point 1 (online)

In this session you will:

  • review module 1
  • refine enquiry question
  • start the enquiry module 

Choose one of the following dates:

  • Thursday 2 November 2023: online 4:30pm to 6pm
  • Monday 6 November 2023: online 4pm to 5:30pm
  • Tuesday 7 November 2023: 7pm to 8:30pm


Twilight touch point 2

In this session you will:

  • review Module 2
  • progress to the next steps in your enquiry
  • start module 3

Choose one of the following dates:

  • Tuesday 16 January 2024: online 7pm to 8:30pm
  • Thursday 18 January 2024: online 4pm to 5:30pm
  • Monday 22 January 2024: online 4:30pm to 6pm


ELP Summit

In this online session you will:

  • share your enquiries
  • share leadership journeys


Wednesday 20 March 2024: online 2pm to 5pm

Optional monthly drop in sessions online

These will take place on the last Wednesday every month at 4:30pm to 5:30pm.

Dates for self directed learning

  • during September: pre-programme tasks and start module 1
  • end of October: complete module 1 and narrow down your enquiry question
  • end of November: module 2 and start your enquiry
  • end of December: complete Module 2 and continue with your enquiry
  • end of January: start module 3 and continue with your enquiry
  • end of February: complete module 3 and continue with your enquiry
  • during March: complete your enquiry and write up your poster
  • during March: reflect on your Leadership Journey and share at the learning summit

The Educator Leadership professional learning programme (ELP) is primarily facilitated online.

This year we have three induction session options for participants. Two of the sessions are face to face (Aberdeen and Glasgow) and one online. Participants only need to attend one.

All participants will be provided access to the Educator Leadership Programme site where the programme content sits. You will need to log in to this site. It is advisable to use the same email as you use to apply for this programme.

If you have accessed other programmes or professional learning activities in the past, you will already be registered and only need to log in. The ELP site will show up on your account page under My Programmes.

Throughout the year, participants are encouraged to reflect on their learning journey through the collaborative community platform Slack and are supported in that by the Programme Lead, Critical Friends and peers on the programme.

As the Professional Learning and Leadership Team is currently funded to develop a suite of programmes, participation in the programme is free of charge.

We are offering 2 in-person inductions and 1 online induction. Please note that due to public sector financial constraints we can’t reimburse travel so please consider this ahead of choosing your type of induction.

Applications are now closed for the 2023 to 2024 programme.

If you would like to be kept informed of the application window for the 2024-25 cohort, please complete our Keep me Informed form, thank you

Participants on the Educator Leadership Programme produce posters which explain their enquiry journey. These posters come in all shapes and sizes and are a fantastic insight into enquiring practice.

View past ELP practitioner enquiry posters.

As the Educator Leadership Programme has evolved from Teacher Leadership Programme TLP practitioner enquiry posters showcase further examples of enquiry in a school setting.

A 'critical friend' may be a previous participant of the Educator Leadership Programme who has chosen, as part of their continuing professional learning, to support others through the programme.

Or you may be an educator within the Early Learning and Childcare sector, Community Learning and Development sector, or teaching sector. Critical friends are experienced in practitioner enquiry and use their experiences and skills to enhance the programme experience for other colleagues across Scotland.

The critical friend role is undertaken on a voluntary basis and provides an opportunity for educators to develop their understanding of, and skills in, supporting peers in their professional learning.

Becoming a critical friend

Critical Friends are expected to engage with the group of participants they have been assigned to and offer their perspective, support and challenge. We will use the collaborative community platform Slack for this aspect of the programme.

Opportunities as a Critical Friend include:

  • critical friend professional learning sessions: sessions planned for June and repeated in August
  • orientation with ELP
  • coaching in Slack
  • practitioner Enquiry
  • optional sessions focussing on facilitation and coaching
  • termly networking opportunities
  • attending programme days
  • working alongside the team shaping the programme
  • involvement with ELP Alumni

Critical Friends can engage with as many or as few opportunities as their capacity allows. However there is a minimum expectation that they will attend the Core professional learning sessions, the ELP induction, and the summit. In addition, critical friends would need to set aside time on a regular basis to engage with participants on Slack.

Please contact Janey Irving if you are interested in becoming a critical friend.

Educator Leadership Programme

Published 29/04/2022.  Last updated 12/06/2024

This programme is currently under review and an updated offer will be communicated prior to the start of the 2024/25 school session.

Education Scotland and the Professional Learning and Leadership team are currently undergoing a review of our offers including ELP to ensure we continue to deliver on our key functions and reflect the needs of the education system.

While this review is underway we are unable to confirm at this stage plans for ELP in 2024/25.

We aim to communicate our revised professional learning and leadership offers for next session by May 2024 – watch this space!

If you would like to be kept up to date with the latest news relating to the work of the Education Scotland Professional Learning and Leadership team, please complete this form.​


The Educator Leadership Programme (ELP) is a professional learning programme that enables participants to reflect on their practices and engage in practitioner enquiry. 

With the support of the ELP team, educators are guided through an enquiry cycle and provided opportunities to connect with other practitioners.

"I loved hearing from people in different contexts and seeing what they were thinking about/applying.  Seeing them as leaders of learning helped me to also put myself in that group and see myself in that way as well." 2022 to 2023 Participant Feedback

Educator Leadership Programme Information Sessions 2023 Video

This cohort of the Educator Leadership programme (ELP) takes place from September 2023 to March 2024.

The programme for this year will:

  • be primarily facilitated online
  • have three induction session options, two of which are face to face  in Aberdeen and Glasgow and one online via Microsoft Teams
  • provide access to the Educator Leadership Programme website and programme content
  • provide a collaborative community on the platform Slack which will be used to: share individual reflection, respond to tasks, and respond to peers in your group

Programme Modules

There are three programme modules with a series of online, reflective tasks. Accompanying literature and research will be available for participants to complete.

These modules will support practitioners to select an area of enquiry that will positively impact on their learners and to generate questions which explore options for developing practice. Participants will also gather evidence of impact and carry out individual enquiry.

Module 1

Participants will explore how leadership of self and practice is a core element of educator's professional identity and reflect on their current practice. Participants will also attend their first 'touchpoint twilight' session at the end of this module. In November you will review Module 1 and your understanding around the purpose of enquiry and refine your enquiry question ahead of Module 2 which focusses on the enquiry process.

Module 2

Participants will consider the nature, purpose, and process of enquiry. the second touch point two takes place at the end of module 2. In January we will review module 2, check in with our enquiries, and focus on how we will share our learning at the summit in March.

Module 3

Participants will continue to build on the process of enquiry and share their learning.


Throughout the programme, participants are supported and challenged by their peers, critical friends and the programme leads.


Participants are expected to attend a minimum of four events (see the dates on timeline image below). You will also be expected to:

  • attend one induction session in September, where participants meet their programme lead and examine the concepts of educator leadership
  • attend two touchpoint twilights: one in November and one in January 
  • attend a sharing the learning summit in March, where participants share their own learning and can explore the enquiring approaches taken by others
  • commit to a minimum of 10 hours of self-directed online learning plus working on individual enquiry with time allocated to latter depending on existing commitments. 
  • create a poster which shares the learning from their enquiring approach (examples of these from the 2022-23 ELP cohort)

It is envisioned that your enquiry would support and be part of your day to day work in your context. Participants who have completed the ELP Enquiry Cycle and shared evidence of their learning will gain a completion certificate and may choose to exit the programme at this point or to join the ELP Alumni network.

Practitioners engaged in the Educator Leadership Programme (ELP) will learn more about practitioner enquiry and then plan and implement an enquiring approach to developing their practice in their context.

The programme also supports educators to reflect on the learning arising in terms of their own leadership of practice as well as for their learners.

As learners are closely involved in this process, ELP encourages participants to share their enquiry journey and involve them throughout the cycle. Engaging in this collaborative enquiry model and reflecting on learning processes, enables educators to role model metacognitive practices.

ELP provides a space for participants to form a community of practice (Wenger, 1998), providing a support network to work through the enquiry cycle. The intention is to continue learning with and from each other as ELP Alumni.

The Educator Leadership Programme is a developmental programme informed by the GTCS Standard for Career Long Professional learning, the Competent Practitioner Framework and the revised SSSC 2015 Standard for Childhood Practice. This supports participants to enhance their confidence and skills.

There is no SCQF accreditation or pass/fail element to the programme.

Completion certificates are given to participants who complete the ELP Enquiry Cycle including:  

  • attending the induction session in September
  • attending the Touchpoint Twilights in November and January
  • participating in regular online interaction
  • generating an enquiry poster
  • sharing their learning in March at the summit

Past participants in the Educator Leadership programme explain the impact of the programme:

"Having opportunities to engage with other people in the wider education community and hear their stories. This gives a greater sense of perspective regarding the direction of education."

"I think it is great that Early Learning and Childcare Officers and Teachers are able to collaborate together in this course, instead of having separate programmes. We can learn from each other and our leadership journeys."

"It was a real opportunity to reconnect with the enjoyment of exploring how children learn. So, when thinking about my overall journey it has actually been really rewarding to reflect on why I enjoy teaching, focussing on shared success with the kids."

"I think my enquiry has encouraged me to question my practice and in turn the practice throughout the ELC.  It has empowered me to take action and make positive change through valuable data collected throughout my enquiry and I am keen to use enquiry on a regular basis to promote and bring about positive change."

2022 to 2023 Participant Feedback

The Educator Leadership Programme (ELP) is open to Early Learning and Childcare practitioners, Community Learning and Development practitioners, and post-probation classroom teachers in Scotland.

Practitioners engaged in the Educator Leadership Programme (ELP) will learn about practitioner enquiry and plan and implement an enquiring approach to developing their practice in their context.

The programme also supports educators to reflect on the learning arising in terms of their own leadership of practice as well as for their learners.

Although ELP is not specifically designed with  aspiring or current middle leaders in mind, some participants have engaged with the programme and led an enquiry which involved leadership of staff in their setting. If this resonates with you it may be helpful to compare the programme overviews of Aspiring to Middle Leadership and Middle Leaders Leading Change and consider which would be the best fit for you at this time.

The Educator Leadership Programme also provides opportunities for those who have completed the programme to support participants as Critical Friends (see section 9).

EL program dates 23-24


This cohort of the Educator Leadership programme (ELP) takes place from September 2023 to March 2024.


ELP Induction: 10am to 3pm

This session will include:

  • orientation
  • exploring your why
  • the start of module 1


Choose one of the following dates:

  • Tuesday 12 September 2023: Aberdeen
  • Thursday 14 September 2023: Online
  • Thursday 21 September 2023: Glasgow


Twilight touch point 1 (online)

In this session you will:

  • review module 1
  • refine enquiry question
  • start the enquiry module 

Choose one of the following dates:

  • Thursday 2 November 2023: online 4:30pm to 6pm
  • Monday 6 November 2023: online 4pm to 5:30pm
  • Tuesday 7 November 2023: 7pm to 8:30pm


Twilight touch point 2

In this session you will:

  • review Module 2
  • progress to the next steps in your enquiry
  • start module 3

Choose one of the following dates:

  • Tuesday 16 January 2024: online 7pm to 8:30pm
  • Thursday 18 January 2024: online 4pm to 5:30pm
  • Monday 22 January 2024: online 4:30pm to 6pm


ELP Summit

In this online session you will:

  • share your enquiries
  • share leadership journeys


Wednesday 20 March 2024: online 2pm to 5pm

Optional monthly drop in sessions online

These will take place on the last Wednesday every month at 4:30pm to 5:30pm.

Dates for self directed learning

  • during September: pre-programme tasks and start module 1
  • end of October: complete module 1 and narrow down your enquiry question
  • end of November: module 2 and start your enquiry
  • end of December: complete Module 2 and continue with your enquiry
  • end of January: start module 3 and continue with your enquiry
  • end of February: complete module 3 and continue with your enquiry
  • during March: complete your enquiry and write up your poster
  • during March: reflect on your Leadership Journey and share at the learning summit

The Educator Leadership professional learning programme (ELP) is primarily facilitated online.

This year we have three induction session options for participants. Two of the sessions are face to face (Aberdeen and Glasgow) and one online. Participants only need to attend one.

All participants will be provided access to the Educator Leadership Programme site where the programme content sits. You will need to log in to this site. It is advisable to use the same email as you use to apply for this programme.

If you have accessed other programmes or professional learning activities in the past, you will already be registered and only need to log in. The ELP site will show up on your account page under My Programmes.

Throughout the year, participants are encouraged to reflect on their learning journey through the collaborative community platform Slack and are supported in that by the Programme Lead, Critical Friends and peers on the programme.

As the Professional Learning and Leadership Team is currently funded to develop a suite of programmes, participation in the programme is free of charge.

We are offering 2 in-person inductions and 1 online induction. Please note that due to public sector financial constraints we can’t reimburse travel so please consider this ahead of choosing your type of induction.

Applications are now closed for the 2023 to 2024 programme.

If you would like to be kept informed of the application window for the 2024-25 cohort, please complete our Keep me Informed form, thank you

Participants on the Educator Leadership Programme produce posters which explain their enquiry journey. These posters come in all shapes and sizes and are a fantastic insight into enquiring practice.

View past ELP practitioner enquiry posters.

As the Educator Leadership Programme has evolved from Teacher Leadership Programme TLP practitioner enquiry posters showcase further examples of enquiry in a school setting.

A 'critical friend' may be a previous participant of the Educator Leadership Programme who has chosen, as part of their continuing professional learning, to support others through the programme.

Or you may be an educator within the Early Learning and Childcare sector, Community Learning and Development sector, or teaching sector. Critical friends are experienced in practitioner enquiry and use their experiences and skills to enhance the programme experience for other colleagues across Scotland.

The critical friend role is undertaken on a voluntary basis and provides an opportunity for educators to develop their understanding of, and skills in, supporting peers in their professional learning.

Becoming a critical friend

Critical Friends are expected to engage with the group of participants they have been assigned to and offer their perspective, support and challenge. We will use the collaborative community platform Slack for this aspect of the programme.

Opportunities as a Critical Friend include:

  • critical friend professional learning sessions: sessions planned for June and repeated in August
  • orientation with ELP
  • coaching in Slack
  • practitioner Enquiry
  • optional sessions focussing on facilitation and coaching
  • termly networking opportunities
  • attending programme days
  • working alongside the team shaping the programme
  • involvement with ELP Alumni

Critical Friends can engage with as many or as few opportunities as their capacity allows. However there is a minimum expectation that they will attend the Core professional learning sessions, the ELP induction, and the summit. In addition, critical friends would need to set aside time on a regular basis to engage with participants on Slack.

Please contact Janey Irving if you are interested in becoming a critical friend.