Evaluation: Assessing the Impact of Family Engagement
This programme addresses evaluation of parental engagement, supporting school staff to evidence its impact for learners. It provides progression through Connect’s professional learning modules and includes preparatory reading and reflection, evidence/working practice gathering and follow-up coaching, to support delegates to learn from and with learners, colleagues and parents.
This programme aims to improve delegates’ knowledge and understanding around parental engagement and involvement and helps them consider their approach to evaluation, ensuring it is a coherent on-going process rather than an event at the end of a piece of work. Delegates receive access to a toolkit of strategies they might employ, which will complement evaluation and assessment already used.
The programme provides delegates with a range of accessible strategies to evaluate the impact of their work. However, when deployed as part of a coherent process, the approaches can yield powerful information for schools and their communities. The programme and modules are designed to support collaboration by all partners in the school community and encourage participants to consider how and when they involve parents and other partners in developing and evaluating programmes of work, to emphasise learning for and with partners.
The programme comprises pre-reading, a half-day face-to-face session and follow up coaching telephone/conference calls. Core components are:
- Pre-course reading, reflection, gathering of evidence and practice examples
- Engagement with GTCS Standards and National Model of Professional Learning
- Evaluation Module Trainer Session Plan
- Evaluation Module PowerPoint presentation
- Evaluation Module Delegate pack
- Evaluation Module Evaluation Toolkit
- Further on-line coaching support following session, supported by GTCS coaching materials.
The module is aimed at school leaders, those with a parental engagement role or remit, teachers and family support workers. It is designed to be useful to all those professionals working to develop parental engagement and who are being called to evidence impact.
The programme will typically be completed within one academic year.
For more information about this programme, contact Connect:
Email: info@connect.scot
Telephone: +44 (0) 131 474 6199