Middle Leaders Leading Change
This is an Education Scotland leadership professional learning programme.
Middle Leaders Leading Change is an online self-led programme which is designed to be flexible. This programme is designed for those in middle leadership roles and aims to support you to:
- undertake self-awareness activities to improve your leadership
- grow your skills, knowledge and confidence using coaching to reflect upon your role
- develop an enquiring stance when planning and leading change
- use change models to consider or plan a change initiative in your setting
- explore anti-racist thinking and approaches to diversity.
If you are not yet in a middle leadership role, you may want to consider our Aspiring to Middle Leadership programme.
The aims of the programme are as follows:
- Self-awareness: develop awareness of individual areas of strength / development needs and how this awareness can inform improvements to leadership
- Anti-racism: develop an understanding of identity, privilege and power and how to actively encourage and celebrate diversity
- Leadership of change: develop knowledge, understanding and confidence in the use of different models to lead and scaffold change.
- Coaching as a model of practice: enhance awareness and knowledge of coaching approaches for leadership and increase confidence in practising these.
These themes are explored using self-directed professional learning activities (PLAs). There are seven discrete PLAs that can be completed in any order to best suit participant needs. This allows participants to dip in and out of different areas of learning during the programme.
The programme is a developmental programme which supports participants to enhance their confidence and skills in self-awareness, anti-racism, leadership of change and coaching as a model of practice through engaging in online learning modules. Optional, additional learning is signposted throughout the programme, making it a flexible learning offer.
The programme is for current middle leaders and those who have a whole school responsibility or area of focus but may not currently hold a formal leadership position.
The programme is available online and is flexible to fit in with the lives of busy educators. Participants can access and begin the programme at any time. An account on our website will be required to access the self-directed learning activities (PLAs) which is free and easy to set up.
The programme is structured as follows:
- Introduction session (optional) which focuses on an overview of the programme (recorded and available online)
- Self-directed learning using our online Professional Learning Activities (PLAs) You will need an account on our website to access these PLAs
- Applying your learning in your context
- Completion and certification (optional).
To complete the programme and receive a certificate, participants are required to complete a minimum of seven PLAs and submit a completed Change Initiative template. This equates to between 14 and 21 hours of online learning (2-3 hours per PLA) plus time in your setting to put your learning into practice through your chosen Change Initiative.
Starting and completion times are set by participants. You may wish to use the live Introductory session and the live Sharing the Learning event in May as start and finish points for the programme. We recommend you complete the programme in the same session you start it, where possible, though recognise it may take longer for some.
We aim to make our programmes inclusive, welcoming and accessible for all our participants.
A Reflective Journal template is available to participants to help them plan their learning and will provide space for summary reflections at each stage of the programme.
On completion, participants have the option of submitting a summary of their learning to us for certification.
Yes! Local Authorities and settings can facilitate professional learning sessions for middle leaders around this programme. A downloadable Introductory session PowerPoint presentation with facilitation notes is included within these programme webpages, to support you to facilitate the professional learning of colleagues engaging in this programme locally.
As the Professional Learning and Leadership Team is currently funded to develop a suite of programmes, participation in the programme is free of charge. As part of our commitment to the continuous improvement of Scottish Government funded courses, we rely on your completed programme evaluation.
Online and in your setting
Contact us for further information about this programme. Please use the programme acronym MLLC in the subject line.