Introductory sessions and Sharing the Learning Event 2024-25

Published 26/08/2024.  Last updated 11/09/2024

You are welcome to attend one of the following Coaching in Education: Introductory sessions.

If you are new to coaching or have previous experience and skills, this introduction will support you to engage with our Coaching in Education online professional learning resource.

Introduction to Coaching online workshops consider:

  • what makes you curious about coaching as educators
  • how can you get started on your coaching learning or how can you continue to build your practice and support the learning of others
  • how to engage with the online learning resources to build your coaching practice, knowledge and skills
  • Scotland’s national approach to coaching in education

There are two opportunities to attend this live national workshop throughout the academic year.

Coaching in Education: Introductory session dates and links

  1. Tuesday 24 September 2024: 4pm - 5.30pm: Sign up here
  2. Tuesday 28 January 2025: 4pm - 5.30pm: Sign up here

Sharing the learning event

Join other practitioners across Scotland to share your learning and hear about the work of others.

Our sharing event will take place online on Wednesday 28 May 2025 from 1pm to 4pm.

Further details and sign up here.

Introductory sessions and Sharing the Learning Event 2024-25

Published 26/08/2024.  Last updated 11/09/2024

You are welcome to attend one of the following Coaching in Education: Introductory sessions.

If you are new to coaching or have previous experience and skills, this introduction will support you to engage with our Coaching in Education online professional learning resource.

Introduction to Coaching online workshops consider:

  • what makes you curious about coaching as educators
  • how can you get started on your coaching learning or how can you continue to build your practice and support the learning of others
  • how to engage with the online learning resources to build your coaching practice, knowledge and skills
  • Scotland’s national approach to coaching in education

There are two opportunities to attend this live national workshop throughout the academic year.

Coaching in Education: Introductory session dates and links

  1. Tuesday 24 September 2024: 4pm - 5.30pm: Sign up here
  2. Tuesday 28 January 2025: 4pm - 5.30pm: Sign up here

Sharing the learning event

Join other practitioners across Scotland to share your learning and hear about the work of others.

Our sharing event will take place online on Wednesday 28 May 2025 from 1pm to 4pm.

Further details and sign up here.