Middle Leaders Leading Change: Applying your learning

After completing the PLAs, you are invited to consider how you have, or could, apply the learning from these in your context. As a middle leader, you will be involved in a range of change initiatives through your role. Consider a change initiative you have led, are currently leading or are planning to lead in the future and reflect on the following questions:  

Start with the why:

  • Why did you choose this change initiative?
  • What was/is the intended impact / impact on learners?

What’s the learning:

  • In what ways does your learning from the MLLC programme relate to your leadership of this change initiative?

What’s the approach:

  • What approaches did/will you take to the change initiative and why?

What are the challenges:

  • What blockers did/could you face and how did/will you overcome these?

Once you have completed this reflection, you have the option of submitting your learning to us for certification as outlined on the following page.