Professional learning for LfS

There are many organisations offering professional learning for Learning for Sustainability (LfS). It is sometimes challenging to know where to begin.

To help you navigate to some of the amazing professional learning out there, we have signposted them as follows:

  • an introduction to LfS offers resources to get you started
  • highlighted professional learning will change on a regular basis
  • bitesize learning includes self-led learning and events lasting an hour or two
  • deeper learning is more in-depth opportunities lasting a few weeks or longer

LfS advice and guidance and inspiring sharing practice videos are also available to support your professional learning.

Bitesize professional learning for LfS

Bitesize and deeper learning opportunities are organised by the themes of:

  • holistic approaches to LfS
  • outdoor learning
  • global citizenship
  • sustainable development education

Below you will find links to shorter LfS professional learning opportunities.

Deeper professional learning for LfS

Below you will find links to more in-depth LfS professional learning opportunities.

About the links on this page

This webpage contains links to external sources. Education Scotland has no control over the nature, content and availability of these sites. The inclusion of links does not imply endorsement of the views expressed within them.