National e-learning offer

The National e-Learning Offer complements the delivery of teaching and learning by schools and settings, local authorities and Regional Improvement Collaboratives in Scotland. You will find resources to support learning across the curriculum.
Quick links
The following e-learning includes live, recorded, and supported resources. Live events include interactive, online classes. Recorded resources are available to watch at any time. Supported resources include assessments, practical experiments, revision resources and more.
Recorded lessons (West Partnership)
Free online content to support and help with your learning and revision at school.
Senior phase study support (e-sgoil)
weekly evening study support webinars covering a wide range of subjects and levels.
Live webinars and events (e-sgoil)
Live, interactive, online learning using technology to remove barriers and improve outcomes for young people.
Gàidhlig (e-sgoil)
Gaelic programmes and resources.
BBC Bitesize
Learn and revise with BBC Bitesize for primary, secondary and post-16 students.
Subscribing local authorities can login with Glow to access scholar interactive online courses.
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This webpage contains links to external third-party websites. We do not endorse or guarantee content provided by external organisations. This includes services, advice, or products accessed via external website links.
Links are provided as a service for your information and convenience. Education Scotland are not responsible for the accuracy, relevance, or completeness of the content on external websites. We make every effort to ensure that these links are up to date, we cannot control the availability of pages on other websites.